Opeth Vinyl?

Graveless Soul

Tranquility Personified
Jun 8, 2001
I read on a post further down that a record label was releasing Orchid, Morningrise and My Arms Your Hearse on vinyl!

Has anybody got anymore information on this.

As an avid vinyl fanatic, this is something I have been waiting for for a very long time! Releasing Blackwater Park as an LP certainly helped though :)
Couldn't agree more, give me vinyl over CD's anyday. They just seem to add so much more depth to the sound.

As for the Opeth LPs? I've just spoke to somebody from Plastichead here in the UK and they said that they should be released in about 2 weeks :)

He also said that they are supposed to be something quite special, so I can't wait!
im one of those poor souls without a working turntable so i have to put up with realistic digital sound on my MD player :grin:
what am i missing out on???????
Originally posted by Graveless Soul
Couldn't agree more, give me vinyl over CD's anyday. They just seem to add so much more depth to the sound.

As for the Opeth LPs? I've just spoke to somebody from Plastichead here in the UK and they said that they should be released in about 2 weeks :)

He also said that they are supposed to be something quite special, so I can't wait!

Will they be released in the US as well? If not, does someone know a good importer or something? Or could someone buy them for me and send them to me at a full (and extra) reimbursment??

I love LPs, I just bought a whole bunch of Iron Maiden LPs!! They're great!