
chazzyf said:
I don't think that they are 'too big' yet to play Bloodstock.
No, they're not too big. They are, however, way too dull! I'd imagine them going down about as well as Paradise Lost... which is to say not very well at all. Personally, I'd rather get other bands that aren't going to bore me to death :)
Dull :-O I can't get enough Opeth! Maybe the Damnation stuff wouldn't fit in, but I think most other 'Peth songs are damn interesting and even catchy in the case of some Blackwater Park stuff :-D
i dont think there to big to play bloodstock and i think they would go down much better than paradise lost i have seen Opeth a few times now and they are fantastic although they would have to have a long set else they would only be able to play 2 songs lol