opeths carreer

IMO Deliverance. the fact that they produced such a dark and meaningful album under such circumstances is why it gets my vote.
Still Life and BWP is the "meat" in the sandwich that is Opeth. But I love them all really.
agreed. while i think MAYH is where they first 'found' the the sound that we all know as opeth today, Still Life is the album that best portrays it. Best album IMHO
^ period. while morningrise to MAYH was the biggest, most massive evolution for the band, they really refined that sound on still life. it's the best, period.
I think the whole era of the release of BWP and the tour with Nevermore really showcased the band to the world. If I'm not mistaken, it was one fo their first "real" tours, and that was after releasing an album produced by Steven Wilson - all of that culminating to a real break through in the metal scene.
now it seems like opeth is getting pretty damn big, compared to even a couple years ago. ive always thought its kinda cool that we (as an opeth fan collective) have them kind of to ourselves, but you gotta admit: they deserve everything thats happening for them right now. i just saw them tonight, and im SO high on opeth its not even funny. easily the coolest band EVER. god damn i love them. sorry, im excited
even 'cooler' than miles davis?

i dont get why hes considered cool, is it because of the whole jazz rock thing or his jazz? i like his stuff, but he was a fucking drug addict, like most of those guys back then.

opeth is a committed enough band to release quality albums everytime, and although personally i like still life and watershed the most, all their stuff has been great. for a peak, id probably say still life, but now that watershed is out they are on a positive gradient function and may very well bypass my favourite album next time
While I consider Still Life to be Opeth's greatest, I think their so called 'peak' has to be relative to their time recording.

The fact that they continually release quality albums is something many bands struggle to do. While I consider Deliverance to be Opeth's worst (or least great), seeing it from a 6th album perspective, it may be their best considering their past success (musically, not financially), associated decline in tolerance and 'losing the magic' with time.

Additionally, anybody who knocks Watershed should remind themselves that it is Opeth's ninth release :worship:

Definitely. It might be a bit biased cz I love every single one of their albums but i've never looked at their career in releases in terms of a 'peak' like it happens with other bands who aren't able as much to top their previous widely acclaimed album. I think they're still in their 'peak'.