opeths carreer

Orchid/Morningrise/My Arms Your Hearse/Still Life/Blackwater Park/Deliverance/Damnation/Ghost Reveries/Watershed
Defining moments in opeth's carreer:

From morningrise to MAYH (obvious)

Deliverance (considering the circumstances this record was recorded in, and how great it is and deliverance convieniently being somewhere in the "middle")

Ghost reveries? (Introduction of per as a full-time member and sales also increased greatly with this album if im not wrong)
Just about any album is as defining as any other to me. If guess I would first show Blackwater Park for people new to Opeth, so that one is, in a way, a career defining moment I guess.
As far as career goes, I think BWP was their "breakthrough" album.

I agree with BWP, as Bleak really seemed to reach out to new fans. Some may say that song is over rated, but it's really an amazing song!

I would also say that GR was a HUGE move for Opeth, career-wise. While BWP reached out to new fans, GR seems to have solidified itself in the huge metal world, beyond the metal "underground".

MAYH is an amazing album, but still considered (to me, anyway) underground, and SL seemed to pave the way toward where they were heading with BWP, in terms of fan-base.

WS could be considered another "career" move, for the direction in which it has taken the band. Many more clean vox and mature (?) songs. Although, these types of constant changes are somewhat expected from a progressive metal/rock band. It definitely excites me for their next work of art, hopefully another change to continue in the band's progression.

My opinion, of course...:cool:
im a huge fan of still life, the story, the mood the music translates, all of that is a career high imo. and since im a sucker for a good story ghost reveries is a close second for me ^_^
There's two; My Arms Your Hearse and Ghost Reveries. With GR Opeth took the more progressive path with a soundscape I find damn appealing. Per's addition was a complete necessity, the songs sound fuller and warmer. And with My Arms, Opeth changed their path from a guitar standpoint. No more counter point melodies.
I agree as the most posters say that MAYH was the foundations of the Opeth sound we got today.
Their defining moment is easy - May 15, 1995

That's the day Opeth's first album was released (in Europe), and it's the day Opeth entered the musical world.
Depends what you mean by "defining moment" - I think tha Opeth found their sound on MAYH - but Blackwater Park is for me their kinda "the definition of Opeth"