Opeth's future direction


New Metal Member
Oct 13, 2001
I was looking back at the March 2001 issue of Terrorizer this week, and their review of BWP. It was a glowing review, which prompted me to buy the album, but they made an interesting comment;

' Maybe you'd be forgiven for expecting the unique and difficult Opeth sound --------- to get a little over-familiar and contrived on the fifth record.

Do you think we can go many more albums yet in the same style, or will Opeth have to change? I personally think they can make many albums yet before it sounds over-familiar ( there is so much to the music), and BWP was different sounding enough from the previous two to keep the listener excited. Any thoughts?
Its important that they change with each album.... Still life was appealing to me because it was strange and out-there.. so BWP is a bit too familiar for me too. Opeth have too much creative talent to be wasted on producing album after album of sameness (Iron maiden anyone?) :rolleyes:
i think they could go on with the 'styles' they have playd allready, 'cuz the five albums are quite different...
but then again as hibernal_dream pointed out, they got alot of talent, and they are really creativ.. so who knows what will happen in the future...
I think we may rest assured that nothing too drastic shall happen to the Opeth sound. First of all, I can say from experience that it is really hard for anyone who has made music for a longer period of time to suddenly take a completely unexpected turn to forming chord structures. Hence we can but expect Mikael to have the same intrinsic touch at writing music. Secondly, he has said - I think it was the second interview with Lamentations of the Flame Princess - that he does not like it whan bands turn into something completely different. Opeth, naturally, should be no exception.
And even so I find myself intrigued by the news that tells of what may be expected from the Opeth camp, since all of their albums have proven the group capable of shifting styles, yet still maintaining the magic that makes them what they are - my conclusion would be that it's possible they will create yet another within their style: the first albums were more folky and Iron Maiden-esque with the dualling twin leads, MAYH was more death metal than anything else they've done, and the last two albums reek more of 1970's prog than the other ones. Yet even though each album has been different from its predecessors, it's always been characteristically Opeth. Why should that be any different now?


N/P: Pink Floyd - Animals
To me Blackwater Park was very fresh, and I'll be excited to see Opeth do something completely different, say, after the double-album. Maybe a move into experimental-noise/jazz-fusion ?

D Mullholand
NP: Death in June - Burial
I think that this double album thing will go back to the older stuff.... The heavier CD being something more like FUneral Portrait, or Demon of the Fall. The mello CD being like Benighted or Face of Melinda. I don't see them staying with the BWP sound very strongly. Actually I don't see them staying with a sound at all, look at how different each album is!! :grin:
To me, Blackwater Park was like Still Life's second part...
It was the natural way for Opeth to go...
I was not expecting anything else.
Getting harder in the heavy parts, and softer in the calmer
parts... I really love Blackwater Park, I think it's one hell
of an album, have nothing bad to say about it :o)

But I am hoping that Opeth will do some radical changes
this next time....
It would be great to see what direction they'd go for...
Progress is always good.. And if the new style doesn't
suit me I still have "Orchid" to get used to (haven't given
it much attention yet), + all the other brilliant albums...
But...at the same time...
I would hate to "lose" Opeth...
I would hate to not have them as "my band"... :o/

Actually...I don't care...
Opeth, just bring on the fucking double album!!!!!!! >:o)