Opeth's Live intro music


Dr. Death in training
Jul 21, 2008
Southampton/London, UK
Apologies if this has come up before - I did use the search function before I get that shouted at me ;)

Anyone know what it is? Its on the second half of Lamentations, and on the Roundhouse tapes ( and I've seen them use it live myself)
Anyway, I really like it and would love to know what it is and if anyone knows where to get hold of it?

One intro is called "Through pain to heaven". It's on the album "Nosferatu (Original Soundtrack)" by Popol Vuh.

You can get the track for .89 cents on Amazon if you wish or the whole record if you wish... check out the track [ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000WW3CEW/ref=dm_mu_dp_trk1"]Here[/ame]
Yup. Getting just Kleiner Krieger would be sacrilege. Einsjäger & Siebensjäger is a killer album. So far I've got three Popol Vuh albums, and all of them are awesome.