opie and anthony aren't funny

They're no different than any other talk radio people, who are either:
a) fat and boring
b) old and boring
But usually not both.
Rush Limbaugh, though, has the distinction of being fat, old, boring, and fucking crazy.
Yea... Adam Corolla was good.

Once in a while I'll tune in on my Sirius to Howard Stern... But I'll stick with my music.

At least Howard Stern has funny moments... Opie and Anthony suck.
Well, I don't know who they are, Seattlers.

EDIT: If any of you XM listeners have heard of Ted Kelly, I know him personally. He's a CEO and he's on a talk station or something; I don't what it is because I don't have XM.
when I used to listen to new york talk radio (1998-2003ish)

O an A were funny and got me through a lot of boring hours working part time at my father's machineshop.

stern was already completely unfunny and had a radio show that consisted of naked girls, which are not interesting on radio, and bad jokes by old, washup comics.
Opie and Anthony were so hilarious when they stomped on that homeless man's food.

...oh yes, that was the epitome of hilarity. :Smug: