Opinion of a mix.


Feb 25, 2011
Just a short description.

Singer and guitarist tracked this (guitars, vox, bass). Drums were all programmed and sounded completely different when I got them.

Anyway, they're not digging it but I think it sounds pretty decent. Wanted to get some feedback to see if I'm crazy, or I just suck.

Mixed it 95% of the way on headphones and then finally got my monitors (which make me realize how much my room sucks). Did some levels with my monitors, but didn't really start from scratch or anything.

::bad link::
is it possible that you could put this into a dropbox or soundcloud account? i think most people dont like having to wait around for a 41mb file to download :P that said, ill let you off this once, and ill give some feedback ;)

guitars - i would say the distorted guitars used sound more or less okay, but maybe could do with coming up in the mix a bit. clean guitars seem good, and the bass sounds okay to me too.

drums - the kick drum has too much mid, and not enough anything else! i think maybe take out some mids, and replace that with some more highs and lows. also maybe take it down in the mix a TINY bit. the snare sounds quite muffled. i would recomend giving it some more high ed, and taking out a smidge of mids, so it cracks really nicely.

vocals - they sound quite weird. they are EQed well, but not for this mix i think they are too toppy, so taking out some high end might be the solution.

but...nice song though man! has alot of SOAD/breed 77 going on in there :D
Thanks for the feedback. Didn't think about the downloading cause I hardly ever post songs on here. Haha. The link is what I had so I just threw it up without thinking.

Will take a listen when i get back home with your comments.
Here's the version I gave to them (never used dropbox before, so no sure if that's how I'm supposed to link it):

::bad link::
So I finally found out how to link from Dropbox, so if anybody wanted to hear the final version of this:


It's a wav file so it will take a while to buffer if you don't have decent internet.

This is my "mastered" version I tried to get the band to use instead of having them master it themselves because they were killing it pretty hard with their own mastering. They used theirs anyway (RIP snare).

There are two little hiccups in the song but it doesn't matter since nobody is using it. Just wanted to point that out so somebody else didn't.