Opinion on a clip!


Feb 28, 2008
First of all, Hi to everyone over here. My name is Benjamin Lechuga, and I live in Chile. I always pass by and read a lot on this forum, but I never post hahaha, so here it is... My first mix clip.

It's not done yet. I'm having lot's of trouble with the bass tone... Doesn't seem to sound agressive enough.
The guitars were recorded with my Tube Head (Made in Chile) with a SM57, through a 2x12 cab with V30's. But I also recorded DI and I will be using a Dual Rectifier to Reamp. and mixing it with my head.
Voice was recorded with a Rode NT2A.
I added some samples for the snare and bass drum only, but not replaced completely.

That's about it.


Any oppinions?

Hey man, pretty cool stuff, and welcome! The kick and snare sound awesome, nice choice in samples! The snare might be a bit loud, though, especially in the opening riff. I really like the synth parts as well, they fit really nicely, and the vocals sound great. I think the bass tone is good, honestly, though I find it a bit loud - I'm not too good with mixing bass, but there have been a few threads about it, so you might try searching for 'em to get some tips. The guitars feel a bit thin, though, and quite mid-scooped - I find it hard to determine much pitch. Keep up the good work though dude, I dig the music!
For the bass I'd say make another track that's really mellow and deep with a lower EQ and play it along with the bass track you have now. Check for phase and volume issues and that should help you out.

Reamping with the Dual Recto should be good. Keep us posted bro!
Thanks! I'll try to work out the bass. You mean that I shoul duplicate the track? I'm working with 2 tracks for the bass right now... One is the DI of a Gallien Krueger head, and the other is a mic (Through a warwick cab.)
Once I reamp the guitars I'll uplaod another clip. I'll add a TubeScreamer too (I just bought it last week)

Metaltastic: I'm very pleased to listen that you liked our music!!!! This is a clip for my band's new (3rd) CD... I'm trying to convince the band that I can mix it myself hahaha!!!
You can listen to our previous work at: www.myspace.com/deltaofficial ; www.deltachile.com
