I'll try to give you some feedback. It's not exactly my genre but I suppose my opinion is better than nothing.
In general I think it sounds good. However I don't really like the sound of the vocals, it might be the performance but it's hard to make it sound good in the mix. At least some of the backing vocals could be turned up, the way they are right now I don't know if they actually add anything except making me as a listener not being able to sit back and relax while listening to the song. I also feel like I can hear very well where it's cut. It's normal for this type of music but somehow I think about it here, and I usually don't. However that's probably in the composition aswell, it could just be the timing, and it might not even be cut at all, I'd still react in the same way to it.
The cymbals feel very fake, I don't know if it's real drums or not but it definetly doesn't sound real to me. It might sound more natural if they weren't so much in your face if you understand what I mean. I'd also turn the kick down a little bit, but I know that there's a certain aesthetic about it being this loud aswell.
Otherwise it sounds good!
And well. This is me being very very picky, as I know I'd like people to be picky if they're criticizing me. In general it sounds really really good.