Opinions on Mic'd amp tone, Guess the amp! You wont!


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY
I'm back from college for the summer and I decided to try practicing and experimenting with actually mic'ing my amp for once instead of using amp sims all the time

Here's two clips, each is a different mic and a slightly different position

Clip 1:
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1024616/Test 1.mp3

Clip 2:
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/1024616/Test 2.mp3

Each is double tracked and I don't have a re-amp box so they are different takes.
No bass

I like clip 1 better, but its a little too scooped for my tastes.

Let me know your opinions on each and see if you can guess the amp!
Hi Alex.

I like the first one. I think it stands out a little bit from the mix somehow, but that might be fixed with the addition of bass and lowering the level a tad.

I think the second one fits in the mix a tiny bit better, and I think I even like the tone a bit more as a result.

I have no idea what amp it is, and I have no idea what amps you own!

I'm going to have a stab and say Peavey XXX/JSX? :lol:
thanks man, I wish i could get somewhere in between the two.

I'll reveal some more info, the first clip was done with a SM57 at the edge of the dustcap pretty much right up against it.

The second clip was actually done with my SM7B, I wanted to try it on guitar cabs, It was also at the edge of the dustcap but the capsule on the SM7B is set back a bit into the mic so when you put it right against the grill cloth its actually like 2-3 inches away. I think it definitely sounds different

And I'm glad you dont know what amps I own, I thought that there was a possibility that you might know and you'd give it away

Is it a JSX/XXX? who knows muahahaaha :heh:
I seem to remember that you used to own a rectifier of some sort...and I think you have some form of modeling device like a POD or something, but I can't be sure. I don't pay too much attention to the gear people have when they post on sputnik because that place is going downhill fast and I haven't been there in ages admittedly.
I dunno, I hear why some might guess JSX, but it doesn't sound metallic enough to be that, so I'm gonna guess some kinda Marshall, probably JCM2k. Very old-school; since I don't like that type of tone I can't say I personally like it, but I'd say you nailed the style pretty well! Getting a heavy "Demanufacture" vibe from #1, actually, and more of a Slayer one from #2 (meaning, too much mids, so I prefer 1)
Alright you guys got me with the Marshall.

Its a Marshall DSL100, but on the green crunch channel with a zakk wylde overdrive.
I got the idea from people using 5150s on the "green" channel, so I decided to try it with the DSL's green channel, and it sounds WAYY better than any metal rhythm tone I can achieve on the lead channel. It just has way more body to it and breathes more if that makes sense. I'm no master at mic'ing but i can assure you it sounds alot better in person.

so Dylan if you still have your marshall, try it on the green crunch channel with the gain all the way up and boost it with an overdrive with high settings!
To be honest man, I had a TSL100 and I would only ever play metal rhythms on the crunch channel (the one that isn't clean and isn't the massively high gain one) with a Zakk Wylde overdrive boosting it, and I did it that way for a good 4 years or so.

But to be honest, after I bought my Dual Recto I never played my Marshall, so I literally traded it in less than a week ago for a 6505+. :lol:
AHA, I knew it! (though I'm pretty sure I remember that you had a DSL Alex, so that probably influenced my guess too :D) Congrats on your discovery, but I still can't say I'm diggin' the tonez; time to stick it on craigslist methinks!
I agree that I need a better "metal" amp but I want to keep the DSL because it does like 80's stuff really great. there's nothing more fun then turning it up real loud and running around my basement pretending I'm in Iron Maiden :lol:

I have this super old Lee Jackson rack pre-amp that the Children of Bodom guys used, i bought it back when i was all obsessed with Alexi Laiho. I am thinking of selling that to buy a new head but I cant really summon the guts to sell it because its pretty rare and vintage.
Ah, the venerable GP1k? I say drop that one like it's hot too! :lol: But yeah, I heard Maiden used JCM2k's on Brave New World or one of the recent albums, so I guess if that helps you get your classic metal yah-yahs out then it's worth hanging on to! :D
Nice tone. I use the DSL at our hourly practice space and dig them a lot. I particularly like boosting the crunch channel like you do. I wish they had some vintage 30s cabs there!

I dig the second one bro, sounds more aggressive than the first. I have a JCM2000 TSL and I use the 'Lead' channel but have my gain sitting around 5-6. Sounds killer, and I prefer it over the 'Crunch' channel.