Opinions on my mix please (criticism or encouragement)

Hi, man! To be honest, it's far from encouragement. For me, such music should sound like Fear Factory. Your track doesn't.

The first problem of your mix is a keyboard track. It sounds like it was recorded in 80s, which is not cool(in the case of your music which sounds like modern metal/metalcore).

The second problem is your guitar's tone. It sounds like you did too much unnecessary eq moves and killed it. Just listen to how guitars cutting the mix on every Fear Factory record and compare it to your sound.

Drums are not as bad as your guitars, but they sound robotic. For example, your hihat sounds like you used just a single sample and duplicated it
Thanks. All good criticism welcome and appreciated. Although, im certainly not going for the Fear Factory sound, thats not what I intended. Thanks again for your input.
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