Opinions on this mix?


Apr 18, 2010
It's been a while since I attempted a mix.

Other than the clipping (Bitch is hard to get clean) what do you guys think of the mix?
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I'm only listening on Logitech speakers but it sounds pretty good to me. I'd be keen to hear a full track with vocals, any plans on doing that?
Snare is just slate snare 11a

I actually updated the track to give it a little more low end and messed with the snare a little more.

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Everything sounds great, just a few points on my own taste:
  • Make the guitars brighter a tiny bit.
  • Let the ambient background guitar be clearer (maybe emphasize its attack or some short delay) to easily distinguish all of its notes during the "loud" part.
  • At the end there is some fast kick part. I suggest to low the ~100 Hz of the kick on this part via automation.
  • Some another drum reverb in the beginning, something more distant. Now it sounds like a separate drum plate, not very organic to me. But it is very subjective, I know.
Thanks! :)