Need you opinions on this Mix guys!!

Sep 8, 2005
We finished this mix for this Metal Core band we recorded, and we are happy but we just want your opinions, what more we could add to this mix, specially on the vocals, the guy is not that good i think, i personally don´t like his screams, but anything we could do to improve this vocals, and the mix in general would be highly appreciated!!.

Duh!! forgot the link.
I'd work a little more on the actual editing. Things like deleting sections of the audio that aren't supposed to be audible: string noise before coming, pops (I hear one in the beginning) big noticeable breaths in the vocals before entrances (you can hear him swallowing before the breakdown) etc
I'd personally bring the lead vocals down a tad. I'd also experiment with different eq's that will make your instruments sit a little better in the mix.
Proper editing is priority tho!
Nice work.

Come on guys, why is so difficult to have your opinion on mixes nowadays??, this is for a demo, all real instruments, not progammed drums,no pod guitars or sim amps, this is recorded the old way haha.