Opinions on Walrus Audio gear?


Apr 21, 2014
Montreal, Canada
Hi, was wondering if there are any Walrus Audio gear owner here? (Pedals, power supplies, etc.)

Their stuff is quite expensive. Everybody says it's top quality.

Well... Turns out I bought their power supply recently (related to my other thread about cheap Chinese power supply) and.... I catch fucking radio shows with it....!!!

And this is a bit the purpose of this post. If I'm the only one with such issue, maybe mine is broken, or I have some other problem in my room, signal chain... I don't know.

When connecting my guitar directly in the amp : no noise, nothing
When connecting my guitar in my ODrive (using simple Planet Wave adapter): no problem
When connecting my guitar in my ODrive (using Walrus Aetos power supply): some noise and clearly a radio show, if I crank the volume

Plus: If I point my guitar pickups directly at the Power Supply, it is just CRRRAAZZZYYYY. I just get a shit ton of noise mixed with that damned radio show.

I tried changing guitar, and it was actually worse... On one hand, considering my tests, it really seems to point towards the Power Supply.

But everywhere I just read very good reviews, feedback and comments about their products. Everybody seems to say it's great quality... And therefore, on the other hand, it must be me, right?
The first important question: is it at least a good radio show? hahaha

Seriously thought, looks like you did every logical test so you're just out of luck. Even high quality no bad review stuff can have problems.
I know it sounds dumb to say this but try talking to their customer support.
Any chance it's a 50Hz box plugged in a 60Hz place or vice versa? I think that shouldn't matter but anyway...
Sorry I don't have anything more constructive to add. I'm really curious to know what is the problem after all.

Best of luck!
Well, problem solved.

I was able to talk about all the tests I did with someone from Walrus Audio. He made me realize that the comparison I made were using a Planet Wave adapter that only has 2 pins, therefore not using the wall outlet ground. The Walrus Aetos has 3 pins, hence using the ground.

That was the issue. The outlet I was using had a ground problem. Switching to another outlet completely solved the problem. I never thought of it because, as I said, I was having no noise with the Planet Wave adapter. My thinking was just "Well this outlet must be ok, if I have no noise with the Planet Wave"

But ya, most likely that the ground cable within the outlet is not connected or something. I'd have to open it up and check...

So, good news. And I confirm that with this solved, the Walrus Aetos is indeed a very good and quiet power supply! :P
Thank you for the reply. In the end, "check your outlet ground" is a very good, often overlooked advice.