OPJ (opeth pics!)

Nice photos as usual! I was wondering what was going on with your site b/c I went there a few weeks ago knowing you would have some new ones but the page would never load.
What is martin L holding in his hand in the Opeth USA 2001 pics ..tell us what's behind the heart ???

haha I can picture it being a joint because him and peter are just sitting there .. peter looks like he just took a big hit and martin just looks stonned haha .. maybe that's where the inspiration comes before every show and recording ..

Or maybe not .. .. you never really know though .
far out.. how is it possible that Mendez looks so cool on every single photo? Mikael and Peter look funny when they're posing, but damn man Mendez and Lopez, they turn out so evil sometimes it just gives me chills, haha.
Great shots! I can't believe you made it to all those shows (if those are all your pics that is). I'm really curious now as to what Martin's holding behind the heart :)... I love the \m/ pic though haha... that gave me some good laughs, thanks alot.
Thanks for the notes. I had to work up my motivation for scanning this time (just a hassle I guess) but I'm glad somone (besides myself) appreciate my site. :D


Well.... I dunnoo if the the site was down, but it was nothing to do with me. I guess maybe it goes down/crash, but my site remains. :)

Yes, those are all my pics. Wish I could do a better job of defining the more recent shots (which shots@which club, etc) but it seems I'm getting too lazy about that. (or maybe I have no clue, ha)

Well... since your inquiring minds wanna know......
it was not a joint with Martin/Peter... but... ... it WAS a bigass bud! Someone was giving it to Martin and I just happen to shot the pic. haahahahahahah. I never seen such a thing.....Peter's expression sums it up I think!!! :lol: I think think it was from an associate, they weren't stoned.
I don't know what happened with that thing... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I love that Hotshots page. Can I make it my homepage? hahah j/k

When I saw that last photo on that page, AGAIN I immediately thought of Lina feeling *starry eyed* with the twinkles in the background.
I love Pete's silly flirty smiles...on that page. The photo above is just plain evil. :heh:
Originally posted by Brooks
Geez, how many guitars does Peter have? And how can he afford them? He is a musician after all :)

off the top of my head I know of:

Jackson (white or black?..humm...I think his was white)
black Les Paul
sunburst PRS
maroon Gibson SG
