Opportunity knocks


Violator of Sheep
Jan 21, 2003
Seattle/Tacoma (Browns Point), WA
So I have this customer who owns his own Financial company. He's a really awesome dude.

The other week, he came in. He will only deal with me. He is MY customer. He needed something completely custom because he is going to Europe for roughly three weeks. These places include Paris, Prague, Amsterdam, etc. Him and a bunch of other musicians are going.

When he first told me about this, I jokingly said "Take me with you!". He said if I could come up with the cash, I could. Today, he came in. He asked me if I wanted to go to Europe. It's charity based so the Europass is covered. He would cover my ticket and other expenses. The music is going to be more along the lines of Blues but he said that he thought a metal edge to it would be fucking killer. He's all about the charity type stuff and even is going to be collaberating with Bono on some things.

He offered to sponser Guitar Center if I was able to go. He really wants me to go. After he left, I said to Don (one of my managers), "If you had the opportunity to go to Europe and do a "Jam Tour", would you?". He said if I didn't, I would be a dumbass. I then said 'Well, what about my job?'. He said that something would be worked out.

I don't know what to do. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. I have never been overseas. What if something happens and I need to get out of a bind? I don't have extra money for that. I am supposed to be going into the studio next month (if we're ready) but if I'm in Europe, we'll have to postpone it. This could unlock doors but at the same time, I'm paranoid. I'll be out of work for a couple/few weeks so there goes some pay. I have bills here. What if something does in fact happen? Plane tickets aren't cheap........I don't know what to do!

NP: Opeth - Dirge for November
go for it, dont think even half of a time just go fo it, you'll have all the time later on to sorry about, if you will be any how, which i highly doubt.

about your band, if they truly your pals they will understand it and support your design.
and while you're there dont even dare to wonder about it was it right or wrong, you will be there and that is the reality that you will be facing, have great time and make the best out of it!
you know what's the right thing to do, whatever you decide to do will be the right thing
just fucking go. As long as he won't rape you and elave you in bratislava, you'll be fine.

Purchase travel insurance and you'll be fucking fine, lad!