Optimist Or Pessimist


May 21, 2002
North Bethesda, Maryland
I am listening to Nevermore's In Memory EP these days an well I'm trippin off as usual! :) Anyhow I'm just wondering how many of you are optimists or pessimists towards everything. Just thought this might be something to talk about while waiting for the enemies of reality! I think I'm both because for me it depends on the situation and how high your self esteem is. How about you all?

the optimist understands why the world's gone down the drain
the pessimist never bends, constricting thoughts in vain
from the pessimist's point of view there's nothing we can do
as I paint this picture gray and taste the pain
I'll play the optimist

So foolish...men who say they don't care! They'll be gone anyway...
To say it with a quote:

"I am no optimist. I try to be a realist and I wonder if I'm living to far out of bounds."

Now you can guess from which band it is. (It's not Nevermore)
I can be both, I guess. It just depends on the situation. But I've adopted a sort of self-defeatist attitude and found that what I really hope to happen doesn't happen because I hoped for it to happen. You can just call me indifferent.
I was told by a Psychologist that I'm more Optimist than Pessimist. What the fuck? How did that happen? :)

No, I'm scarily close to realist, but I have a very very dim view of human nature.