Orange 1x12 cab test Youtube (surprisingly awesome)


Aug 2, 2007
I borrowed an Orange PPC112 cab today to grab impulses from it.
Amazed at how good it sounds. I had a PPC412 before and didn't like it.
Love this little guy :-)
Man, that sounds incredibly good for a 1X12. Super tight and controlled midrange.
Yeah, I was extremely surprised.
I think the Neve clone mic pre makes everything sound amazing, but even still, a big sounding 112.
I think I might grab one for myself if one pops up used at the right price.
I have that one aswell and tbh I never really found any use for it. I mean the tone you got sounds pretty damn good for what it is, but you wouldn't use this cab on a "real" mix would you?

Edit: That being said, I actually also did an IR of mine a while back. No one cared when I posted it back then, so it probably sucks :P I'll throw it in here anyways, maybe someone will find use for it:

Single guitar track democlip:
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