Orange Cab


gain induction
Mar 3, 2008
I have the possibility to pick up a Orange PPC412 with Vintage 30's for really cheap money.

What's the general opinion on this cabs ?

How do they perform with a 5150 or Dual Recto (or Cobra, but i doubt anyone used this combination)

How does it compare to a Recto cab ?

Doesn't seem that cheap really. Standard 2nd hand price. Even still... go for it.... Orange rocks. I just got a Zilla cab recently; it arrived today. Sounds sick :D
I own a ppc212 and really love it.

550€ is ok since Orange increased their prices, I think!

If you like their character, it should be cool for you.
I think most people here that have tried both the recto cabs and orange cabs would agree that the orange cabs don't mic up nearly as well. The orange cabs sound really dark/muffled with kinda honky mids in comparison to the recto cabs. Probably due to the smaller dimensions and the really thick grill cloth they use. I know a decent amount of people prefer the orange cabs for live playing, but I think the recto cab is a better option since it sounds much better mic'd up...
Agreed, you have to put the Mic more in center of the cone as you would do it for example with a mesa...

I've made a little shootout(for me) with an engl 2x12 and the engl has way more highs...

I still love my orange, you have to threat them just a little different, ampsetting and micpositioning wise.