Orange Dark Terror

yes im intrigued too. Saw this yesterday but have to wait at lest one more day! ff..
Crap, that thing is going to kill my 10watter sales. It's nice to see more companies doing this though. I could never understand why manufacturers would lower gain as they lower output power. It's not rocket science. People want to play gainy amps that aren't making them go completely deaf (although a 15 watter will still make you go deaf).
Is this gonna be the bestest little amp evar?

If so, do want. If not, want else... (got really bad GAS for a little tube amp)
even from that shitty video it sounds cool!
especially at the lower gain/higher master volume.
INSTANT GAS! I need a small power amp to hook up my e530 and this will do the trick. Plus the brootal Orange preamp! :headbang:
Ughh, why do these amp demos feature one of those fucking annoying 'blues rock' guitarists 95 per cent of the time?
I feel like throwing a brick through a window whenever I hear those same riffs/licks you hear in almost all these kinds of videos, ugh.
Guess some people never caught the memo there is actually more to learn about guitar playing than trying to emulate late 60s blues rock/heavy rock bands
Ughh, why do these amp demos feature one of those fucking annoying 'blues rock' guitarists 95 per cent of the time?
I feel like throwing a brick through a window whenever I hear those same riffs/licks you hear in almost all these kinds of videos, ugh.
Guess some people never caught the memo there is actually more to learn about guitar playing than trying to emulate late 60s blues rock/heavy rock bands

I believe it's sort of an unwritten law (like how every supermarket has to have at least one mongoloid grocery bagger) that every new amp made aimed at the "metal" audience has to be demo'd by someone playing either a Telecaster of Stratocaster.