Orchestration help- Tron- influenced material


Oct 10, 2009
Hey guys, I'm a big fan of Daft Punk's Tron Legacy soundtrack, and I thought it would be a cool idea to have a cool Tron-inspired outro to my band's album. I'm kind of still a noob at programming orchestral instruments, though. So I figured I'd post a sample of what I have so far, and if anyone who is more experienced with this sort of thing could help me out, I would greatly appreciate it! I'm a bit confused as to even what types of instruments I want to be sampling for this. For instance, In the intro to Encom Part 1 (below) on the Tron soundtrack, what instrument is that doing the double notes? Because I'm going for a similar playing effect on my outro (at 54 seconds into my mix below), but the Hybrid Strings on Xpand 2 doesn't sound like what I'm looking for. Is that a violin?

Anyway, here's what I have so far. Thanks in advance for your help!

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2354806/Jay B Mixing - My Work - MP3 Samples/Track 7 Outro 12 17 Mix.mp3
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sounds like either a cello or play high on a contrabass.total guess though

I am also a big fan of this album
I'm not too experienced in orchestration but what I think: It starts off with a partition of the cellos, then basses come in doubling it an octave below while violas drone-eighth-note the root of the chord (rest of the cellos come in for either of these roles), then more violas come in drone-noting the 5th while the horns emerge, then the violins come with tied whole notes.
I just opened the session and looked for a cello in Xpand 2- apparently there isn't one, which seems strange given how many other things are in there. I figured a cello was a pretty basic orchestral element.