Oregon and Washington studios

My cousins pop punk band is looking to do a demo and they are located in the Astoria area... I'm from California- so aside from Interlace/Raincity I don't have much of a creditable list of studios for them to check out.

I'm going to assume they are not yet ready to be shelling out $350+ a day but a list of studios up there or fellow sneapsters that would appreciate the business- let me know or send me a few links

Much appreciated guys:worship:
He's a freelance engineer afaik- He went through Fastback and a few other places from what I've gathered from his posts. I asked for contact info on his Loomis thread (for a friends band who was recently signed), but the thread carried on without response so I figured he was too busy...
I'd be down but I'm in Eastern Washington :/ I always hear good things about The Hive and Soul Kitchen in Seattle but I don't have any personal experience with either one