ORIGAMI GALAKTIKA - "Live in Central Europe"


Vendlus Records

I overheard this conversation the other day while eating lunch at the local Jersey Mike's. I'm not sure if I remember it word-for-word, but I'll try...

GUY WITH THE KNITTED, MULTI-COLORED TOBOGGAN: D00d, have you heard the new ORIGAMI GALAKTIKA album? I bought it at Best Buy yesterday.


DUDE #1: Live? I don't think it's all that live. Unless it was performed in the depths of some underground opium den in Amsterdam.

DUDE #2: Amsterdam is technicaly Central Europe, right?

DUDE #1: I don't remember.

DUDE #2: Of course you don't. You were blazed out of your gourd the whole time.

DUDE #1: Nah, man. It ain't live. I don't think. Well... at least... I don't imagine many people standing around listening to it.

DUDE #2: Why not?

DUDE #1: Well... It's ambient. It's... scary.

DUDE #2: Scary!

DUDE #1: Dude, don't laugh until you hear this shit.

DUDE #2: Okay... sure... I bet it's REAL spooky.

DUDE #1: It is.

DUDE #2: Dude, you're so high that episodes of Sanford and Son scare you!

DUDE #1: That was only one time. And it was the disembowelment episode.

DUDE #2: Okay, okay... So what does it sound like.

DUDE #1: Like a weird ritual on the banks of a swollen river. Like the heart of a living, breathing, scheming machine. Like ebony allleyways in Arkham. Like a cult of gazelles who play...

DUDE #2: Wow, when did you become so eloquent?

DUDE #1: Huh?

DUDE #2: Nevermind. So I should get it.

DUDE #1: Definitely. But whatever you do, DO NOT LISTEN TO IT AFTER SMOKING A BOWL! There's this one part where it sounds like someone screaming in the fog and...

DUDE #2: You pussy...

DUDE #1: Fuck you!

DUDE #2: So anyway... me and Nasty coming over at 5?

DUDE #1: Sure, but I gotta score some hash around 4:30, so I may be a bit late. Got a big deal going down in the bathroom at Denny's...

That's basically how it went. Intrigued, I checked out the band's website. Apparently, this stuff is NOT marketed to potheads alone, but it usually seems like the best music is best enjoyed on reefer. I can neither confirm nor deny this.

Even though I've never heard any samples of this, I've been thinking lately about picking this up at random from Vendlus, since dubloth is such a cool guy!
haha, nah really I wasn't .. but thats not a bad idea, I'm having a hell of a time finding any mpthrees for teh piratzing

I was just sayin' I can't think of many other labels where I'd buy something unheard of at random and very likely enjoy the listen.

the review I stumbled upon last week at aversion online had my interests up, but I'd say BWD's review seals the deal.
Chromatose said:
haha, nah really I wasn't .. but thats not a bad idea, I'm having a hell of a time finding any mpthrees for teh piratzing

I was just sayin' I can't think of many other labels where I'd buy something unheard of at random and very likely enjoy the listen.

the review I stumbled upon last week at aversion online had my interests up, but I'd say BWD's review seals the deal.

haha thanks for the kind words, im kinda glad its not online for the stealin, because ive given out more promos than I've sold copies. A artist like origami galaktika is something that takes alot of time to build up a fanbase, especially with no real metal background... I think he was in red harvest before they ever recorded haha! I'm hitting up the dark ambient/industrial world with promos but its really a boys club there. Ahh well i like it! :)
Man, this thing is better than I remember! The only time to listen to it, though, is while falling asleep. Sorta like Joyce saying that, to read FW, you have to be "an ideal reader suffering from an ideal insomnia."

What other noise/ambient should I check out? I'm already familiar with bands like Nurse With Wound, Merzbow and Controlled Bleeding. I want something else dark and slimy like this.