Original Symphonies Of Sickness CD


Jun 25, 2002
I was wondering how much this is worth? It's with original gore-cover-art and bonussongs from Reek Of Putrefaction. Same cover as in LP, but without logo or the title. Or is this just common piece without any real value...
Hehe, I think this is worth something, one of my friends didn't know, so I bought Swansong and this with 15€ together from him :)
Actually the original vinyl release doesn't have the gore-collage as the cover. Symphonies Of Sickness was originally released as a gatefold LP with a black & white cover but all the splatter was to be found inside when you opened the cover ;) I have that vinyl and paid about 5€ for it which is about the same as 5$ I think. I'm sure it's worth a lot more than that, I was just lucky.

As for the CD, I don't really know as I personally think vinyls are more valuable (and not only in cash) than CDs but I'd probably pay about 20€ or a bit more for it. As someone already said, try to sell it on eBay (or in huuto.net in Finland) and find out :grin: