Originality in Music


New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Ok, I want anyone, anyone on this forum to list a band, artist, or composer, who was original in music. Name anyone, and make sure they are 100% original.

Note: I'll be DoomsdayZach and prove that no one in history has ever been original. If anyone can think of an original musical artist that I can't prove was unoriginal, then I will give up, and they will win this little game.
forum rules ? I should have read them I guess

If you want to get all technical Ken is right, after that it was just hitting different objects with various woods .... and they were all just rip off, mimicking clones and werent really being creative only relieving themselves of boredom


as far as hitting Rock goes no one previously hit quite the way
Hendrix did
Led Zeppelin did
Rush did
Eddie did
Maiden did
that other band whos name excapes me at this time ...... did

just to name a few ... that is

* please tell me what rules I just broke and whats wrong with this topic ?
[heads off to read forum rules]
Dio was never influenced by anyone. He just sprang out of nowhere as Dio.

Yes indeed, Blackmores Rainbow, we loved that album, never heard a voice like that before. Thank you Russell Allan for channeling a similar attack