Orphaned Land on stage in Greece!!!


O.la K.ala
Oct 8, 2003
Our prayers are heard!!!:worship:
Orphaned Land have been confirmed for two conserts in Greece!!!:hotjump: :rock: :hotjump: :rock:

15 of January,2005 (saturday) - Mylos club, Thessaloniki
16 of January,2005 (sunday) - Gagarin205 club, Athens

For the first time in Greece and hopefully the door to a Europe and Worldwide tour is open at last!!!
The path from Turkey...opened the Greek door...to the whole world...
...the storm raged ...will rage...and will keep raging forevermore!!! :worship:

Prepare your bags and get ready to come to Greece!!!:wave:
ORPHANED FAMILY PREPARE TO UNITE AGAIN!!!:kickass: :hotjump: :rock:

Everybody keep visiting the WebArk for future information and updates!!! :)
A Dream Will Become True...
The Only Thing We Can Do Now , Is To Be Patient Till January Comes !!!
Waiting To Enjoy And See Orphaned Land Performing In Greece!!!
Under This Breathtaking Music We 'll Travel To Heavinly Places...
With All The Brothers And Sisters We Met In Rtn Festival And Not Only...
With All The Friends That We Haven 't Met Yet...
All The Orphaned Family Must Gather There...
Our Attendance Must Be Booming...

Waiting For All Of You In 15-16 January In Greece !!! :hotjump: :rock: :kickass:
Very Very Happy News From My Bro Dreamcell.
Once Again The Seassons Will Unite. See You All There. :rock: :hotjump: :worship:
have fun in the country where people drink uzo and burns their jackets & breaks plates in tavernas while listening sirtaki sound :D

that's for sure that metal hordes in greece is one of the best in the world... and again that's for sure that both orphaned land and the greek brothers will have great time there..!
We'll sure have a great time drinking tsipouro and throwing paper napkins (in most places is forbidden to brake plates :( nowadays ), but burning our jackets:confused:...?
I've never heard of someone in Greece burning his jacket :lol:, or it's just a kind of word expression?
I Totally Agree With Dreamcell About The Greek Celebrating Habbits !:Spin:
As For The Burning Jackets... :loco: Don't know this custom...Are you sure that it's a Greek custom ?
Great news for you my Greek friends! And also all the European friends because it means the band passed through the gates of Europe and the world will see more OL concerts soon! :rock:
And about that jacket burning thing... I think that's a turk-with-too-much-money tradition. :)
They burn their own jackets or give money to a waiter to burn his jacket. Just some stupid way of "entertaining".
i just watched a such greek movie.. he began to burn his jacket.. and at the end of the movie, he purchased the taverna and burned there too :P

ok so.. you don't have that custom sorry :D
I'm so happy for all Greek bros and sisters..have a good time.. :hotjump:
Btw next year I want to visit Rockwave fest. and also the beautiful Greek islands :wave:
Thank you Slash :wave:
It would be nice if you could manage to come to Greece for the OL conserts. :)
Rockwave has not much to offer in my opinion (if there will be one next year), as for the Greek islands...you must visit them...some of them are really great!!! :)