Orphaned Land, "The Beloved's Cry"


Sep 13, 2003
One of the best purchases I made at PPV was Orphaned Land's "Mabool." A beautiful album and a talented band. Yesterday I got "The Beloved's Cry," an earlier album from them. While "The Beloved's Cry" is not, in my opinion, as good as "Mabool," it is still very good. It has an overall rawer sound and has more death metal-style vocals. However, the exotic instrumentation is still present and the songs are pretty melodic. The Opeth element sounds stronger on "The Beloved's Cry." So basically, for you melodic progressive-death metal fans out there, this is another album well worth acquiring - provided that you don't have it already.
Ruthven said:
One of the best purchases I made at PPV was Orphaned Land's "Mabool." A beautiful album and a talented band. Yesterday I got "The Beloved's Cry," an earlier album from them. While "The Beloved's Cry" is not, in my opinion, as good as "Mabool," it is still very good. It has an overall rawer sound and has more death metal-style vocals. However, the exotic instrumentation is still present and the songs are pretty melodic. The Opeth element sounds stronger on "The Beloved's Cry." So basically, for you melodic progressive-death metal fans out there, this is another album well worth acquiring - provided that you don't have it already.

Oh hello there :)
Awesome CD, excellent band. I'd love to see these guys play. I bought this CD earlier this summer and I havent stopped listening to it!