ORPHEUS - Artwork + Tracklisting: Enjoy


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Time for part 2 of the Orpheus album update. As already released, Bleed The Way will be out mid/ late Feb. Here's the artwork and tracklisting.
Cheers guys


1. Neath (the shadow of the monolith)
2. Winds Of Change (Feat. Ville Viljanen of Mors Principium Est)
3. Unscathed
4. Common Enemy
5. Sealed In Fate
6. Societies Of Steel
7. Face Of Vengeance
8. For All It's Worth (Solos by Hanny Mohamed and Steve Janevski of Black Majesty)
9. A Thousand Times
10. Grin Of Madness
I really dig the stuff I heard from you guys, I also like the concept of the cover,
but as a guy who started painting with passion with a few years (I suck nowadays
due to no training and a surgerys in my arm) I have to say, that I think that the
part were the "blood" flows into the legs/tree thing with the skulls in it, it looks
not that good.
I think it works on a CD size cover, but in that resolution, I have the feeling that
it needs more details or better shading, the legs just look very flat.

No offense, it looks better than many covers I've seen in the last time, just wanted
to mention it because I am just a bit nerdy with these things.
And like I said before, I am really digging your music, so it doesn't matter to me
alot ;)
I really dig the stuff I heard from you guys, I also like the concept of the cover,
but as a guy who started painting with passion with a few years (I suck nowadays
due to no training and a surgerys in my arm) I have to say, that I think that the
part were the "blood" flows into the legs/tree thing with the skulls in it, it looks
not that good.
I think it works on a CD size cover, but in that resolution, I have the feeling that
it needs more details or better shading, the legs just look very flat.

No offense, it looks better than many covers I've seen in the last time, just wanted
to mention it because I am just a bit nerdy with these things.
And like I said before, I am really digging your music, so it doesn't matter to me
alot ;)

+1 .. Glad im not the only one that saw it that way.
Top half of the cover is awesome the bottem half is a bit off imo

But hey, just being picky.. it does look very cool and im looking forward to hearing your stuff ! :)
Cheers for the kind words guys. Much appreciated. I too questioned some parts of the cover, but when I look at it actual cd size, it's just too small to notice that detail anyway. And if someone does notice,'it's too late anyway cause the awesomeness should have already got their attention.

Just how I see it of course, you never know though :p
I see it the same way as you Chris, that big it doesn't have enough details, but scaled down it looks cool for sure!
@soultrash: cheers dude, I'm glad you like it. I hope the album is something you'll enjoy too
@mago: cheers dude. It definitely can have tiny improvements, but again, you'll notice the big picture first and if that tiny detail makes or breaks a sale, it wasn't worth it to begin with IMO.

Either I'm very happy with it.
It was done by Jon Hocking at Jon Hocking Studios.
like I said, I think it won't matter that much on 12x12cm cd size, so no problem for me ;)
Just a little rant about stuff I would never rant about on other forums because most of
the guys here don't feel offended by something like that and make pretty good music and
that is the only thing that should really matter, a cool cover is just a nice topping.

Did you record the guitars with your Mesa? Sounds really awesome, and I love the white
Jackson in the recording videos.
Yeah dude. The album is Jackson sls3 with mesa mark iv. It's coming up pretty well.
We fredman micd it, probably mor hassle than it was worth, but I liked the character hehe.
Ermz will do amazing work with it I think :D