Yea I heard some good stuff from Antaeus. I may pick up Blood Libels very soon.
I think that this black metal movement is the best by far some other good bands would be:
My favourites however are deathspell omega and antaeus.
I'm willing to bet that the majority of said bands suck.
Stick with Averse Sefira, Antaeus, and Katharsis and you're good to go really.
Best of this little movement imo:
Deathspell Omega - SMRC
Averse Sefira - Advent Parallax
Katharsis - Fourth Reich
Antaeus - CYFAWS
Watain - Casus Luciferi
Also idk if Weapon and Teitanblood count since I think they're on NoEvDia but they play more black/death/thrash kinda stuff. And I used to think Funeral Mist was decent and would still say Devilry is worth a listen or two.