OT: Agnostic Front


Nov 9, 2005
New-Brunswick, Canada
Has anybody heard these guys before? How can anybody take the vocals seriously? Is it some kind of joke? Who knows! I remember hearing the song "All is not Forgotten" and thinking to myself "Oh god, what the hell is wrong with this man." I thought it was a joke band in the beginning, I thought maybe the vocals weren't as bad live... Well, I was proved wrong tonight as I visited their website. See for yourselves.


The worst part about this is the waste of music. Take away the vocals and they do have good songs... What a waste.
Wow, i thought finally someone here had the balls to step outside their little technically elite bubble and listen to some other music for once. Imagine my [lack of] shock when i come here and see that no, you're just bashing on a band because *gasp* they chose to play a different style of music! OMG!!!

Truely incredible.
LOL! When you open the band's site, and the "singer" says something in the beginning... UIEHGIWHHHIUEIWOIJABLAH.....

I started laughing cos it sounded just like Timmy, the wheelchair dude in South Park! :lol: :lol: :lol:
DoomsdayZach said:
Wow, i thought finally someone here had the balls to step outside their little technically elite bubble and listen to some other music for once. Imagine my [lack of] shock when i come here and see that no, you're just bashing on a band because *gasp* they chose to play a different style of music! OMG!!!

Truely incredible.


Truly incredible.
Last time I checked, I'm entitled to my opinion. Besides, I'm incredibly open-minded when it comes to music. I just have boundaries and vocals that sound like Timmy aren't within them :D.
This is kindof an inside joke between me and my buddies, but the singer sounds like high toms on guitar pro 4 when you put on drum kit 24... Those who get it will get it. :D

EDIT: I re-listened to it and the thing he says at the start REALLY REALLY sounds like Timmy! TIMMY TIMMY LIBBELOW TIMMAH!!! :lol:
MrFast said:
This is kindof an inside joke between me and my buddies, but the singer sounds like high toms on guitar pro 4 when you put on drum kit 24... Those who get it will get it. :D
I know exactly what you mean. And I agree.