OT: Back From Hospital


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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It's good to be back from the hospital! I was there for 3 days because of a heart problem. Now I am on medication and I can't drink alcohol or caffiene anymore. And now I am stuck with a low-fat and low-salt diet. I am so sad that I can no longer enjoy a cold Molson Canadian....:confused:

That sucks dude:cry: My buddies little brother got diagnosed with Crohns about a year ago and his diet is so strict and of course he cannot have ANY beer either..I hope you feel better
ThraxMan said:
I'm a little groggy right now but I should be fine. Just gotta follow doctors orders. By the way, I'm only 29. They tell me its rare for somebody my age.

What is the condition called?
hospitals suck, I have been in one several times in my youth, and even as an adult!!! Hope ya get better. So I guess a beer and Mt. Dew party are out of the question!?:cry:
I'm glad to hear you are ok and home from the hospital but the strict diet sucks, I'm sure. I can't imagine life without caffiene. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
ThraxMan said:
Argh! The ambulance bill just came....where am I going to get $787.50??


You have to pay for the ambulance!! Thats alot of money.

Everyone in UK moans about our National Health Service but we don't have to pay a penny. The waiting lists for some ops are long but in emergancies it is good,
I just got back from the hospital. Yeah, my grandfather is going to have heart surgery tomorrow. I hope hes ok. He was like a second father to me. Love the guy to death. Hes fucking halarious too.
Can things get any worse? I applied for financial aid today at the hospital. So far my bills come to $6,000 and they'll pay half, but I still don't have $3,000 and this doesn't include the ambulance.
