OT: Beastie Boys Take On Bush With First Song In Five Years...

jdelpi said:
Political stuff in songs gets old fast. I'd probably agree with most of Stuck Mojo on politics but I didn't enjoy it all that much in their songs.

It only works when you make it sort of indirect, subtle, or sublime, when it is an in-your-face style song about a particular issue, even if I'm in "agreeance" (thanks Fred, you moron) w/ the band, it does get old, and those songs tend to get dated. A band should sort of bring up the "issue" and leave it open ended, so the listener can make his own stand ala Bad Religion.
jdelpi said:
BTW, I'd probably have liked RATM if it weren't for the political stuff. Not that they'd care. I'm sure it gained them more fans than it lost.

They were brilliant enough that I looked past it :headbang: Actually, their lyrics aren't as bad as the shit Morello says, from his air conditioned Hollywood mansion - yeah, it's sooooo bad in the US Tom. Shut up and play guitar.
TD said:
They were brilliant enough that I looked past it :headbang: Actually, their lyrics aren't as bad as the shit Morello says, from his air conditioned Hollywood mansion - yeah, it's sooooo bad in the US Tom. Shut up and play guitar.

Maybe I'll buy it used. Or better yet, I could download it. The band is down with that, right? After all, property is theft. :D
damn man not heard the new beaties track at all yet, tho not really lookign forward to it, from your reviews.......is it not like anything off hello nasty at least!?!?!

personally i have no issue with politics ijn music as long as its done well and by someone who knows what they are talking about..... generally i think ratm and soad get it spot on.......lest us not forget the mighty thrax often dabble in the world of political comment.......