OT: Clutch!


¯\(°_o)/¯ How meet Devil?
Nov 13, 2005
I was going thru my massive Clutch collection and found myself really enjoying the crunch, big, bassy sounds of the most recent albums. Pure Rock Fury, Blast Tyrant, and Robot Hive/Exodus have really captured how they progressed over the past 16 years or so. I love Jean Paul Gaster's drum sound too. Groovy stuff, very groovy. Also love their live shows. I'm sure there are some other Clutch fans on the board.
i've tried listening to clutch, but i just don't get it. What would you recommend by them?

Suppose that would depend on what you've already heard. To me, because I really like the sound they got goin' know which I guess is a more straight ahead bluesy, rock, stoner rock thing, the last three LP's are great "Pure Rock Fury", "Blast Tyrant" and "Robot Hive/Exodus". I pick those too because to me the production is a bit more clear and heavy. Though I'm sure to some Neil Fallon's vocals may throw off some and the simple guitar groove's, but thats what I dig about them. But yeah, pick those up or what not and give them a few spins.
Yeah, I love Blast Tyrant. Haven't listened to much of stoner rock 'cause it never really hit me, but that record became an instant favorite. As you said, their sound and production kicks ass, and they have a nice oil-smellin'-whiskey-tastin' groove in their songs. Exactly the kind of music I would listen while driving if I ever could affor a '67 Chevy Impala :) Robot Hive/Exodus and Pitchfork/Lost needles didn't quite have the same effect on me, but I should try to get my hands on Pure Rock Fury when I got the time.
Blast Tyrant is a great fucking album musicaly and production wise, and just as a side note out of all the bands at sounds of the underground a couple years ago, they sounded the best and put on a hell of a show.
I tried getting into this band multiple times... i just don't get it though...

Will check out blast tyrant... see if that helps.
I did like the song about "going up to Canada to smoke pot." :heh:

They'd get along well with some good friends of mine, Bloodshoteye. They were participants at a rally where everyone sparked one up on the steps of the local police station :)

I'm a huge Clutch fan!!! I must have seen em live 20 times in the past five years! If your looking fof some heavy Clutch, check out Transitional Speedway League...It's there first full length album, I think, but it's always been my favorite since it cam out. After this album, they bacame a bit bluesier and jammy, which took me a while to get into.:lol: I first seen this band open for Fear Factory and Sepultura in 1993 94. Can't remember which year. It was Chaos AD tour!!!!!!!!!I wish I had a video of that show!!!!
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that Machine had a hand in Blast Tyrants. Can't wait for their new one later this year.
I was going thru my massive Clutch collection and found myself really enjoying the crunch, big, bassy sounds of the most recent albums. Pure Rock Fury, Blast Tyrant, and Robot Hive/Exodus have really captured how they progressed over the past 16 years or so. I love Jean Paul Gaster's drum sound too. Groovy stuff, very groovy. Also love their live shows. I'm sure there are some other Clutch fans on the board.
I saw them supporting motorhead in october.
Now they wernt as pretty as the other support band - crucified barbara

But - the drumming was AMAZING - a real swing feel to it -almost Krupa at times. Really bluesy melodies. They looked like a bunch of pikeys - but i would recomend seeing them. im hooked- great band.:kickass: