OT: Damn politicians and companies


Croatian Panzer division
Apr 9, 2004
Split, Croatia, Europe
I'm really pissed off right now after watching this... Please take a few minutes and listen to this:

The greedy bastards at European Union intend to enforce the law by which you can't use the traditional herbs for medicine legally...
Of course, what would happen is that the people would use synthetic drugs with numerous side effects and then use some more to aid those side effects while acquiring a few more and so forth. The only ones who gain from this are pharmaceutical giants who have little real interest in your or mine well being...

I think this is tip of the iceberg really and many people in fact ain't conscious enough about it, supposedly being stupidified by numerous "Britneys" and Big Brother type nonsense shows... From what I've heard many edible plants have been almost exterminated in their natural unaltered form and replaced by their counterparts which all look "perfect" but have very little taste or smell (tomatos anyone?)

The future ain't that bright, I'm afraid... :erk:
What do you think?
I don't really want this board to turn into a political forum, but I will simply say that as bad as "big pharma" is, at the end of the day, they still use science. In this video, they make many dubious claims, and only make guesses about the future which sounds more like the NWO fearmongering. I'm really curious to find out who are behind the Save Natural Health group.

Also, the herbal movement is sketchy at best. Some of their stuff might cure cancer, other supplements can put you in a coma, or downright kill you. I'll put my trust in a company who has put in millions of scientific research and has the data to prove their drug works, vs. a company who slaps some stuff together and says "I guess that'll cure colds, right?" Saying something has been used for thousands of years doesn't mean it's safe. That's an appeal to antiquity - a form of flawed argument.

Remember: People still sell snake oil. They just put pictures of leaves on the bottle now. -Cracked.com
I don't really want this board to turn into a political forum, but I will simply say that as bad as "big pharma" is,

I second that. I don't wanna allow this forum to turn into a political arena.

Said that, yes "big pharma" is the bottom line, and thus I'm kind of surprise this come from

The greedy bastards at European Union intend to enforce the law by which you can't use the traditional herbs for medicine legally...

and not USA. I always had EC as a less company first-people second kind of commecial culture.

I'm a great believer in synthetic drugs, but I will never dismiss natural products. Specially since in the last 15 years or more have been a huge reserach for natural drugs (that of course have been obtained will be eventually laboratory enhanced to gain a better action and of course a patent)

Anyway, money talks as always :erk:
My intention was not turning this board into political debating arena, I'm simply expressing my concerns, I believe this is an issue to all of us...
B., I wouldn't put my ultimate trust in synthetic drugs and pharma industry. You may know of your fellow Canadian Rick Simpson. If you aren't familiar check out his site http://www.phoenixtears.ca/

I mean, if bird and swine flus doesn't look like fabricated diseases and epidemics - I don't know what does! Even here, in tiny little Croatia ALL the media have constantly been pumping the bold titles screaming something like "Another swine flu victim", whereas nobody even talked the regular flu which kills as many (as little?) people every year, or even more. Only the Polish health minister had guts to refuse buying the vaccine that hasn't been tested properly but still has all the permits to market and sell...

What I want to say - it's not all in synthesized drugs. Nature has many ways of helping us, I think our ancestors weren't that stupid... Sure, loads of charlatans always cast a shadow on those that know what they're talking about. Synth drugs have opened the doors to many manipulations and the almighty profit made itself a priority instead of patient's well being that I can't put my infinite trust in "billions of $ research companies", sorry B...

Feel free to delete this topic if you think it's too political, but I thought it would be interesting to see where the board members stand on this matter. The food issue I've mentioned is very serious as well...
Not going to go into the political side of the thread. But as someone who worked with natural products (and also use herbal medicines from time to time) I wish to give the people here a simple introduction to the subject so you can have more to decide for yourself.


As an addendum remember that ancient tribes all across the globe known natural products that helped them with illness or achings.
im going to sign this for simple reason that such an effort reminds me way too much of the war against marijuana here for me not to sign it.

there is something unnatural about making nature illegal.

give me my herb
//end college student rant