Hot Damn! This board is barren......


The Cynical Realist
Dec 12, 2002
Tiverton, RI
Visit site
(Do people even use 'Hot Damn!' anymore?) :tickled:

C'mon, let's liven this place up...

Let's 'Interact'...What are you people 'Comatose'? Don't know 'What to Say'?

I'm sure people are too busy 'Juggling Knives'. Are your computers 'Broken'?

Too Many 'Distractions'? Sould I 'Bite My Tongue'? I find it 'Despicable' that there is very low activity on this forum. I may have to visit a few people for some 'Black Eyes and Broken Glass'.

Do you feel 'Blindsided' by this post? I don't care, I'm 'Standing Ground'....Perhaps I'm just a 'Mettle Man'...I 'Know That'

Is 'The Thirst' gone?

The 'Prognosis' ain't good people....

Do I have to 'Paint the Picture'? :wave:
Tee hee hee --- too funny, Sean....and yessireebob, people still say Hot Damn --- especially when asking for a shot of it when out on the town and knockin' a few back!

Right now, it has been a long week and I am a little Comatose, but I don't feel like I'm in Sinking Sand or anything...looking around, I can really See No Evil - in fact, life is just Beautiful right now for me. I Know That tomorrow My Everafter and I will rise and Follow the Sun, thinking it isn't such a Hostile World after all!



PS -- You guys would laugh your butts off if I posted a similar - but much longer -diatribe sent to none other than Adam Ant that is in the same song title vein...too funny! And too bad I don't have it anymore!!!
My friend coined the phrase "Hot Christ!" which I've been substituting with damn in that expression. Enchant needs to get this DVD out! I'm hoping they keep us updated about the forthcoming preparation for CalProg...I've loved hearing them talk about getting ready for the Tug of Tour.
Hey sorry we have not been able to get in here as much as we would like the last few months.

We have all been really busy. We are rehearsing in our new space ( which we love ) in Oakland www.soundwavestudios for the upcoming show in L.A.

And I believe the DVD is close, it turned out to be a lot of work, especially for Doug who has done his usual amazing job making it great.

When you get into the video side of things it becomes a much more invloved process all around. So that has taken longer than anticipated.

More soon, we promise!

NP "YYZ" Rush
LOL very good, I'd go with "HOT BREAD"!

Yeah its summer so i've spent less time on the computer and more time 'under the sun'.
Sometimes its just so 'beautiful' outside. Some days get real hot and sunny, i feel like i'm 'under fire' and think of 6 months ago when it was 'below zero'.

We all went 'missing' while taking an Enchant Forum 'break' but i'll try to post at least 'once a week' and throw my 'pure' 'words' in and not 'look away' or 'bite my tongue' so this doesnt fall 'in the dark' here...... :loco:
