Ok, so theres this hot air balloon across the street...


Don't you ever get...
Aug 25, 2005
Lost In Necropolis


I'm not nearly drunk enough to start harassing the people operating it, but, it's not every day a hot air balloon is giving people free rides about 60 yards from your front door.

What do I do? (Edit: till I'm drunk enough to just start harassing people)
I wouldn't recommend it. You'll probably get smeared with theft at the very least, and then stuck in a prison, where a black man called Bubba will rape your ass until it's as worn and used as a French Canadian chick's.

Come to think of it, I do recommend it!
Hmm... what if I dressed up as santa. I mean, there are kids around. Think they're gonna do anything to a santa while the younglings are around?
I thought about going over in a top hat while wearing a really awesome suit and fake curly mustache and hijacking it.

a top notch idea!

and then as you very slowly rise up off the ground you can tear off the mustache and throw aside the top hat and proclaim "AH HA! IT WAS ME ALL ALONG, SUCKERS!"

and everyone just kinda shrugs and pulls the balloon back to the ground.
I don't recommend you steal it because you'd be caught instantly, can't fucking outrun shit in a hot air balloon (besudes what would you do with it, fly back to Oz and rape the shit out of Dorothy?). But if you do I want you to fly it into a building (wearing the goddamn mustache and top hat of course), you will be a bigger legend that the retard who flew his glider into a building a few weeks after 9/11 in an attempt to mimic the terrorists... fucking mongloid was killed on impact, and I think he broke like 1 window or something.

Your best course of action is:

To get drunk.
Leave them be.
Once they're safely up in the air, acquire a bow and arrow and a stealthy hiding spot in the bushes.
Fire at Will.
When the cops come to your door, blame the Indians.

It's fool proof.

It was suggested I get someone to dress up like an inspector and have him chasing me... "You'll never get the golden falcon, inspector", and then jump into the balloon, and say to the operator: "'quickly manservant! we have to be in Constantinople by tomorrow night!'"
I don't fuck pets unless the need is there for it. Livestock on the other hand? My dick has a layer of goat shit that it is permanently wrapped in.

Here's a picture of myself:
