Enchant Progpower set list

Random Axe

Common Sense Man!
Sep 27, 2002
Cincinnati, OH
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Purely hypothetical guys.

I know this is getting waaaaay ahead of reality, but with all of the talk on the PP forum and talk here, let's play along shall we? Here's a sample setlist based on an hour or so long gig. It's a very metal crowd there, so maybe some harder tunes that haven't been played live much could get some stage time. Also pacing will be a key as you balance harder with softer songs.

1. Blink of an Eye
2. My Enemy
3. Hostile World
4. Under the Sun
5. At Death's Door
6. Blindsided
7. Juggling Knives
8. Pure(acoustic)
9. Oasis

Of course, in the event things work out and they are invited to the festival and they do indeed agree to play, they would have to do a couple of tunes off the upcoming album that will surely be out before Sept 06. Aside from that, feel free to submit your PP fantasy Enchant set list.


THat was the song I meant for the first tune. I have no idea why I wrote Blink, cause that's the album title. Oh yeah Under Fire has to be the opener in a surrounding like that.

Enchant has to be a no-brainer for the next PP. Let's see what we have in their corner...

1. Large fan base worldwide who have already proven they will travel
2. Seven studio albums, one live album and DVD
3. InsideOut is their label
4. Would not have to rehearse much do to their live experience. A lot of bands for PP are playing their first ever stateside gig.
5. They are domestic. That cuts travel expenses big time.

personally, i would like to have them play acquaintance and colors fade (acoustic version).
edit: of course, along with all those other great tunes on your list, random axe. :grin:
Presumptuous, but fun....

- Under Fire
- Blind Sided
- [New Song]
- Medley: Paint the Picture/Oasis (instrumental sections)/Colors Fade/Prognosis/Acquaintance
- Under the Sun
- [New Song]
- King
- Comatose

And I'm tempted to round out that one hour set list with a cover of a Triumph song like "Hold On", "Magic Power", or "Somebody's Out There". (Thanks for putting that idea in my head, Frank. :) But can't you just see it, instead of "Comatose" slowing back down at the 7:50 mark, it just smoothly transitions and Ted launches right into, "Is it fate, or random chance? How can I decide...." and then three minutes later their set ends and everyone in the place is going nuts and the roof of the Earthlink building has landed across the street and every vendor in the joint has to mark up their Enchant cds to $35 just to stave off the unprecedented demand)

Hey many people call Under Fire , Blink of and Eye because the chorus is so awesome. :Spin: Nice set though. It would probably be the hardest set to ever agree on and put togather to date, remember we will have a new one out as well, and so far it is darker and heavier. So we would have to have some new ones in there as well. Makes it hard doesn't it :ill:

PP is pretty heavy now days so we would probably bring the big guns for this one if we were ever invited. Or a simular festival with heavier acts.

Actually Doug and I were joking about this "just for fun earlier today. We agreed Hostile World right out of the gate would kick serious ass but the bassists right arm might fall off half way through the song :tickled: maybe if I start doing curls again. Just kidding of course I am holding him to that and up for the challenge.

If this is truly Prog and Power mixed with a touch of Metal, then I think the mellow stuff might be on hold til the next show following.

Maybe we could convert Meddle Man to a Metal Man. Prognosis is a must as well.

OK this is just for fun but a way cool post, our buddy Kevin already has a room party planned on the PP forum, madman! you rule Kev.

Everyone that has supported us being invited to PP is amazing and we appreciate it very much. What ever happens I am going next year and supporting the show because it looks like a blast.

Random Axe said:
Purely hypothetical guys.

I know this is getting waaaaay ahead of reality, but with all of the talk on the PP forum and talk here, let's play along shall we? Here's a sample setlist based on an hour or so long gig. It's a very metal crowd there, so maybe some harder tunes that haven't been played live much could get some stage time. Also pacing will be a key as you balance harder with softer songs.

1. Blink of an Eye
2. My Enemy
3. Hostile World
4. Under the Sun
5. At Death's Door
6. Blindsided
7. Juggling Knives
8. Pure(acoustic)
9. Oasis

Of course, in the event things work out and they are invited to the festival and they do indeed agree to play, they would have to do a couple of tunes off the upcoming album that will surely be out before Sept 06. Aside from that, feel free to submit your PP fantasy Enchant set list.

Hostile World would rock...and it would be a good surprise, as it's pretty rare to hear live. Ted's voice has matured since Wounded, and it would be cool to hear w/ H.W.

np: Heathen: Victims Of Deception
ebass said:
If this is truly Prog and Power mixed with a touch of Metal, then I think the mellow stuff might be on hold til the next show following. ...

:waah: but, but ... i love the mellow stuff. ok, of course u are right with all the other heavy acts and all ...
so, the new stuff is heavier and darker? how cool would that be to hear some samples...? :Spin: