OT: Drinking games


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
What is the nastiest drinking game you've played?

There's lots to choose from, but I think the stupidest one that I continue to play is one we call "The spinning loonie of death". (The Canadian $1 coin is called a loonie...no wonder our dollar sucks :( )

The spinner chooses a victim and the flips a coin. The victim guesses heads or tails. Correct guess, the victim gets the coin and becomes the spinner. Guess wrong, and the coin is spun on the table, and the victim has to chug his drink until the coin stops spinning. Once the coin stops, the victim guesses again...if he guesses right he gets the coin, if he guesses wrong, it gets spun again (I once had a friend guess wrong 14 times in a row!!! Ouch!!!). There are a variety of other rules to keep things interesting, but those are the basics (ie. if the victim finishes his drink and slams the empty glass to the table before the coin stops spinning, the spinner has to take two drinks, etc.). I've played many drinking games in my time, but this one hits you hard and fast, and unlike most drinking games, the odds don't really change based on drunkenness...it's always fifty-fifty that you get to drink. Playing with 6-8 people is ideal...more, and people wait to long between turns, less, and you drink way too much way too fast...four people playing will consume 9 or 10 pitchers in an hour. :puke:

Anyone else got any good games out there?
I have some that are interactive with TV shows
Watching Rudolph the red nosed reindeer you drink every time his nose lights up... this one will get you quicker than you think.
And watching Eddie Murphys Raw drink each time he says fuck..fun for all!
The only one I ever played was called Suck & Blow. You all sit in a circle on the floor with a deck of cards. You pass the cards from mouth to mouth, holding it by sucking and then passing it by blowing. Whoever fucks up the circle has to take a drink. This will also fuck you up faster than you think.
You WILL get fucked up quicker than shit if you watch any EVIL DEAD movie and take a shot whenever ASH gets hit with or by anything. Good natured family fun for all! :lol:
I've played this game while watching rugby or other sports. Everyone picks at random the names of the players involved and everytime the commentator says the name of a player you have to drink "two fingers" (basically as much beer as two of your fingers cover while holding a glass). When a player scores you have to finish your drink straight away (not good if you have a full pint in front of you). It is best played with a taped match as you can pause it and make sure people always drink their full quota. Gets you drunk very quickly especially if you have 4 or 5 names and it is a high scoring match.
Me buddies and I have a Star Wars drinking game we made up that's pretty brutal. Star Wars and Jedi will fuck you up, but I have not yet made it to the end of Empire. I usually go right around the time Luke gets to Bespin, then I wake up the next morning in the dead man's chair. We haven't tailored the rules to fit the prequels yet.

Like I said, this only works with the classic trilogy....

Take one drink when...

-Han calls Leia a name other than Leia
-Han calls C3PO a name other than C3PO or 3PO
-C3PO calls R2D2 a name other than R2 or R2D2
-a Jedi tells a lie
-Luke whines
-Han brags about the Falcon
-someone insults the Falcon
-Boba Fett speaks
-someone says the word "hope"
-someone yells "Artooo!"
-someone fires up a lightsabre
-you see or hear Obi-Wan's spirit
-you find yourself talking to someone in the movie or reciting lines
-you see a Special Edition addition

Take one shot when....

-Vader kills someone
-someone (or something) loses an arm or hand
-someone says "I have a bad feeling this"
-something big goes bang


If someone says "May the Force be with you", you take however many drinks that correspond witht the episode number (for example, Empire would be 5 drinks)

Whenever someone says "Master", all players must say "Vader", the last one to do so takes a shot

The rules are always evolving, but these seem to work pretty well.


We play shoulders, 5-10 people stand in a circle, you start with the # 1 and tap either your right or your left shoulder with the opposite arm, if you tap to the right the person to your right goes next and continues with 2, say the number aloud while you tap, if you tap to your left the person to your left goes and so on...when you get to 7 and 17 hold your arms out in front of you like you're holding a football but about a foot apart and with fingers outstretched, the bottom hand points to the next person to go on 7, and the top hand points on 17, on 10 and 20 you point to someone and they continue , if you fuck up and don't go or say the wrong thing you drink, if you tap your right shoulder with your right hand you drink your drink, same goes for the left shoulder and your left hand, we call this the fag rule try it and look in the mirror and you'll see why, and lastly if you get pointed at on 20 you drink your drink, the game ends and you start over, you'll be surprised how seldom you get to 20 and how drunk you get trying. And the rule that is easiest to break...if you're in the circle you are playing, if you start talking to someone else and screw up, you drink, step out of the circle if you don't want to play.