O/T: Handgun Control Inc.

May 10, 2002
Alabama Gulf Coast
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To prevent cluttering of another thread with posts that are way off topic I will respond in a new thread.

I can see where the band is coming from wanting to support a group that is anti-handguns after the death of a brother/nephew, caused by a handgun. I can feel their pain. I'm only 30 years old and I've already lost two brothers. My little brother died in a mobile vehicle accident about 5 years ago. He was 17, the accident was caused by a faulty tie-rod end. And one of my older brothers died of cancer, a little over a year ago. He was 34 years old. I know how it feels. But what would banning of handguns do? Bring back Frank's brother? No. I understand a lot of people each year are killed each year by handguns. Be it by accident or by other means. But the flip side to that coin is, a lot of people each year have averted harm by having a handgun for protection. I work at a family owned and operated gunshop/pawnshop, and I sell a lot of handguns to people that truely need them for protection. Women that work at late night businesses, that without that handgun giving them self assurance and confidence they would just look the part of 'VICTIM'.
The point of all this is, handguns are not always an instrument of terror. So they shouldn't be branded as such.

I'm sorry, I had to blow some steam off.
This is a very touchy subject.
If we had gun control, the innocent civilian would not be able to get a gun for protection, but the criminals will get guns for crime illegally.

Gun control makes it harder for us to protect ourselves, but doesn't effect the criminals at all (since they are criminals, they will get guns illegally).

True Story:
When I was about 10 years old, my house was broken into by someone who said he had a gun. My dad scared off this person with a shotgun. I wonder what would have happened if my father had no shotgun for protection...
I am very against gun control. Not because I want bad people to have guns (cause they will no matter what), but I feel alot the responsibility lies with parents, pawnshops and gun dealers at gun shows. Not saying all dont do their part because most do. But I can go to the local gun shows and pawnshops and purchase a gun as long as I look old enough. If you look for them, there are people who WILL sell to you illegally. That allows ALOT of people who dont need them to get them. I did a computer job for a guy in my neighborhood who had three small children. I walked down the hall and what do I see? A pistol (loaded) just sitting on the table within reach of the kids! People who neglect to be responsible are normally the ones who lose family and friends because of their STUPIDITY.

I totally see where Thra:rofl:ude is coming from. What would have happened? More than likely you would have been robbed or worst yet killed or hurt.
I can respect your not wanting guns in the house. If someone pulls a gun on you and kills you, then that person deserves nothing but death himself. I would be all for public executions but they will never allow it because "its not fair" to the faggot who shot someone. Instead they would rather punish law abiding people for the ignorance and apathy of criminals.
Yes Bill hits most of the subjects right on the head. For me though I own guns not for the sake of using them against other people but because I use them for hunting and shooting skeet. Practical purposes. Not all of us gun owners are evil, sadistic fucks.
Originally posted by TD
I like Bill Maher's sentiment on this one "guns are for guys with small penises and a chip on thier shoulder, it fills in that need."
I would expect nothing less from Bill Maher, the liberal asshole that he is. I wonder how ol' Bill would feel if he didn't live in a upper class neighborhood, protected by ARMED Police Officiers? I think he might have a change in attitude. Especially if he was presented with the same type of scenario as Thra:rofl:ude's father. It never ceases to amaze how people can change their minds so suddenly when the problem is theirs. For example, find me the most liberal anti-capital punishment woman in the world and if her daughter is raped and murdered by some hoodlums suddenly she wants them executed. :(
I hate handguns and assult guns. They were designed for one reason...to kill humans, but at the same time I'm totally against any kind of gun control. The reason is that if the anti-gun people got their way and handguns were banned then they would have nothing else to do so they would go after all other types of guns used for hunting and shooting sports. Since I'm a hunter I obviously don't want that to happen. It's not like making guns illegal would keep them out of the hands of the bad guys anyway. Drugs are illegal and we all know how easy it is to get them.
We just need harsher punishment for criminals.
If someone shoots someone, that person should be shot.
If someone stabs someone, that person should be stabbed to death.
If someone steals your car, that person should have a hand chopped off, like in the good ol' days.
If someone rapes someone, that person should be forced to eat his own penis, raw. And then executed.
If these were the punishments for such crimes, maybe the criminal would think twice for doing it.
Oh, one more thing.
I'm sick of criminals having rights.
If they are proven guilty of a crime, then they gave up their rights when they committed the crime.
Fuck 'em.
Originally posted by HotRodFlamedJJ2
I would expect nothing less from Bill Maher, the liberal asshole that he is. I wonder how ol' Bill would feel if he didn't live in a upper class neighborhood, protected by ARMED Police Officiers? I think he might have a change in attitude. Especially if he was presented with the same type of scenario as Thra:rofl:ude's father. It never ceases to amaze how people can change their minds so suddenly when the problem is theirs. For example, find me the most liberal anti-capital punishment woman in the world and if her daughter is raped and murdered by some hoodlums suddenly she wants them executed. :(

Wow, this sounds like the sentiment of some conservative redneck. For the record, Mr. Maher is pro-capital punishment and pro-abortion, he'll kill anything. He just doesn't think we should all run around toting guns, and after reading your response, talking about liberals as assholes, and hoodlums raping girls, I can see why he wouldn't you with a gun. You don't sound to stable.
Originally posted by TD

Wow, this sounds like the sentiment of some conservative redneck. For the record, Mr. Maher is pro-capital punishment and pro-abortion, he'll kill anything. He just doesn't think we should all run around toting guns, and after reading your response, talking about liberals as assholes, and hoodlums raping girls, I can see why he wouldn't you with a gun. You don't sound to stable.
Maher is an embarrassment.
Conservative - YES!
Redneck - NO!
Ability to detect liberal pukes through the far reaches of the net- YES!

Im very stable, dipshit. I also am a realist. I see the world for what it is. I'm not looking through Rose tinted glasses. Watch the nightly news sometime as opposed to TRL, maybe you'll see what I mean.
I should also mention that my biggest pet peeve is when you watch the news (or anything, really) and they say "allegedly" 800 times because whoever did it can sue if their sneaky lawyer gets them off. If you commit a crime, we should be allowed to hear on the news that you did it, not make reporters protect YOUR rights. I just thought of this because there's a cop under investigation for sex abuse (on the fuckin' freeway of all places) and the reporter said "allegedly" at least 6 times in one sentence because our sherriff won't get off his ass and arrest one of his "boys" so he'll probably get slapped on the wrist and sent back out on the freeway... :mad:
Oh, now I'm a dipshit, that's funny. I won't even respond to that. My point to you "hotrod" (sounds red to me) is be careful what you wish for. My neighbors are anti-abortion republicans. I'm a pro-abortion democrat. Do I wish my neighbors daughter to be raped by a hoodlum for them to view things the same as I do? No. Would they change thier view, perhaps. Everyones world view is shaped by the experiences they live through, and the milieu (look that one up hotrod) in which they carry out thier lives. I don't know what "world" you live in, but the one I live in, it isn't like yours I guess. One in which I work with over one hundred adolescents each day, and interacting with my colleagues, and the parents of my students, is far from "TRL." Although I must admit, I find your banter amusing.
I hate guns, they scare me. Even though my dad collects them. I wish they were never invented because they are only intended for one thing....killing. But I do like Stun Guns and would rather own one of those than a real gun. If guns were legal I think alot more people would be dead, but I could be wrong.
Man I'm getting in late on this one, however my two cents are...
More gun laws are unnecessary, enforce the laws we have. As stated before laws only control those that follow the law. Drug dealers and killers and the like will not follow them. Rosie O'Donell sucks and has an ARMED bodyguard for herself and her kids, and she would like us to not have the right to defend ourselves. Conserative does NOT equal redneck as I consider my self a conserative person, but not a redneck and not republican, more libertarian than anything.
In short I dont think gun control will stop senseless murder of innocent people.