OT: I need to ride this coaster!

lady_space said:
Damn, I've been denied, too. Denial sucks.

That said, I *love* roller coasters. I think the last time I rode one was about 6 years ago, though, with Bryant of all people!!


ok, cool!!! I've found a buddy to go to the parks with now. The more twists, turns, loops, and gigantic drops the better. I make a point to go atleast once a year if not more. I'm still looking for someone to go skydiving with. Anyone willing to jump out of a perfectly good plane?
No-Mercy said:
roller coasters are awesome, i've got a few decent parks fairly close. six flags and dorney park/wild water kingdom. although, i went to bush gardens on the way back from vacation last year. they had some brutal coasters. apollo's chariot and the lochnest monster were wicked.

Well if you live in Pennsylvania, you can't be too far from Ohio. That is like "the amusement park state" or something. I had a net buddy from Ohio and hetold me all the parks in Ohio and I could hardly believe it.

BTW Shaye, I am talking about "The Schmoe."

Whoo-hoo a new speed demon ride!! It's kind of like Magic Mountain's Superman. 0-100 mph in 7 seconds and you go up 41 stories and are "suspended" for 6.5 seconds in "weightlessness" this ride is jet-propulsion and will put your eyeballs in the back of your head!
Urban breed said:
Sounds like a good idea! Should I ever have some time to spare and I just happen to be in your neigborhood feel free to drag me into that plane. :tickled:

Wow, a long-haired intelligent, attractive man with a voice of a god who's willing to jump out of an airplane with me. Be careful Urban, your starting to fit my description of the "perfect man" :D
Kim K said:
ok, cool!!! I've found a buddy to go to the parks with now. The more twists, turns, loops, and gigantic drops the better. I make a point to go atleast once a year if not more. I'm still looking for someone to go skydiving with. Anyone willing to jump out of a perfectly good plane?

hahaha, I'll jump out of a plan with you if you'll... um, actually, I'm not sure I'll ever jump out of a plane. But as my stepdad (former pilot) says, there is no such thing as a "perfectly good airplane". :D


P.S. But I am definitely up for some roller coaster action. :)
Kim K said:
Wow, a long-haired intelligent, attractive man with a voice of a god who's willing to jump out of an airplane with me. Be careful Urban, your starting to fit my description of the "perfect man" :D

lol! In light of that, I may be willing to jump out of a plane after all. ;)
lady_space said:
lol! In light of that, I may be willing to jump out of a plane after all. ;)

Lara (Freakchylde) and I have been talking about trying to put something together this summer. Maybe get a group together and go jumping. Can I count you in? I'll definately keep you informed of any Six Flags plans.
Kim K said:
ok, cool!!! I've found a buddy to go to the parks with now. The more twists, turns, loops, and gigantic drops the better. I make a point to go atleast once a year if not more. I'm still looking for someone to go skydiving with. Anyone willing to jump out of a perfectly good plane?

Harumi, my sister-in-law and I went skydiving when Chiharu (sis-in-law) came from Japan to visit us. We all had it videotaped as well. It was great. Did you go to Skydive Atlanta Kim ? That's where we made our jump.

kittybeast said:
Whoo-hoo a new speed demon ride!! It's kind of like Magic Mountain's Superman. 0-100 mph in 7 seconds and you go up 41 stories and are "suspended" for 6.5 seconds in "weightlessness" this ride is jet-propulsion and will put your eyeballs in the back of your head!

Yeah the stats on that look amazing. We need some stuff like that here in The South !!

lady_space said:
Damn, I've been denied, too. Denial sucks.

That said, I *love* roller coasters. I think the last time I rode one was about 6 years ago, though, with Bryant of all people!!


Six Flags rocks !! The Great American Scream Machine is still my favorite. I love wooden coasters. Do they have any new rides ? I haven't been but once since you and I went.

Kim K said:
Lara (Freakchylde) and I have been talking about trying to put something together this summer. Maybe get a group together and go jumping. Can I count you in? I'll definately keep you informed of any Six Flags plans.

I'm always up for a trip to Six Flags. Skydiving depends on what mood I'm in... every once in a while I agree to do something completely nuts, and it's been a long time so I think I'm due for some lunacy. :D Keep me in the loop and ya never know what could happen!
