OT: Make Poverty History


grounded, yet flighty
Oct 24, 2002
Alameda, California
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It's good to see the Make Poverty History banner on your site, Enchant. I hope everyone will click on it and become involved. This is an issue of education, communication and ultimately, action and change. I don't think one's politics need enter into it...and politics should most likely be avoided on a metal site!:Smug:

Thanks guys!

Hey Kristin,

I agree, people should get involved. It's about time we do....we've looked the other way for far too long, including myself! But i don't think we can leave politics out of this... sure, there's no need to have a political discussion on this forum...but the fact remains that politics, BAD politics, is the main reason we have poverty in the world!!!
So if the most important thing that we, the people, can do to make a difference is simply use our voices...WE SHOULD!!!

A BIG thanx to Enchant for taking the opportunity to make people aware...
Credits should go to Marillion.com, where I first learned about the project.
Thanks to Doug for approving.

Everyone with a heart and a brain should join, and those of you who have a web site should put the banner up. Spread the word, not only in the prog community, but worldwide. Tell everyone you know. I also encourage everyone to find out about the REAL reasons for poverty and violence. Do your own research, and don't get fooled by the mass media. It's now or never.

This thread might touch politics to some point, but mainly it's about humanity and unity... and TRUTH. So I guess it belongs here and everywhere else more than any other thread.

There is enough crap going on worldwide, and I for one am sick enough of it. I'd like to see some positive changes NOW.

Lots of love