OT/ My Band Nerve Damage live video

No Anthrax covers, would like to tho We do a cover of End of Heartach by Killswitch tho. I'll have a video of that up soon.

This was recorded at local bar Called Angelos. Its a really cool place. Bad thing is it has suck a small stage. But the sound guy makes up for it. He is one of the best in the area. There was like 80 people there. The place goes far back. We played a headline show the next day and had 190 people pay at the door. It was also a fun night!

that was fucking great buddy,not really into much newmetal music these days but u are as good if not better than most new bands on the scene well done!!!
My hats off to you mate!

Great stuff. The sound and tone you got from that live gig was awesome.

Kudo's to you. Do you have an album or e.p. out?