OT: New Iron Maiden Rules

Oct 5, 2003
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Fuck me, the new Iron Maiden rules all! Just heard it all the way through. Fuck I wish Maiden would bring testament out with them like they did back on the fear of the dark tour. will never forget that shit
I'm looking forward to hearing that one myself... I got a confirmation mail from Play.com that my copy is on it's way. Hopefully should be here by Monday. At least they have a decent concept this time (unlike Dance of Death, which was full of slow waltz numbers) I'm hoping this new one will be a bit more uptempo with more bite & punch in the delivery. I never judge a book by the cover, but the album cover & song titles alone are enough to get me salivating over A Matter of Life & Death... Looking forward to catching them on tour.:headbang:
Ahhh well, I've been hating Maiden for quite a bit of time now (I even pawned my cds hehe), but I'll listen to the cd nevertheless.

Is it uploaded somewhere?
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood said:
Ahhh well, I've been hating Maiden for quite a bit of time now (I even pawned my cds hehe), but I'll listen to the cd nevertheless.

Is it uploaded somewhere?

Umm why? You are nuts. Maiden are the best Metal band of all time. Hopefully the CD's you Pawned are the ones they did without Bruce Dickinson
ironmaidenfan09 said:
Umm why? You are nuts. Maiden are the best Metal band of all time. Hopefully the CD's you Pawned are the ones they did without Bruce Dickinson

Actually Paul DiAnno is cool, and as a matter of fact he was recntly here in CR. Didn't go to see him though :p . Anyways, the ones I pawned were "Brave New World" and "Dance of Death". Both of them I had bought used, so I actually gained some cash. I must admit I do regret pawning "Brave New World", 'tis a really good cd and I liked a lot. Oh well, I can biuy it whenever I want at any record store hihi :rolleyes: :p .

Anyone care to post a link to download the new album?
I thought it was just a pretty average album, it was just anothe Maiden record, nothing special if you know what i mean.
Well, at first listen, it's a bit much to take in. I didn't quite get it at first. But after further and subsequent listens, it reallty grows on ya.

The guitar riffs are really catchy once you get what they're trying to convey. In one song, they sound like machine gun fire.