OT: Remember Your First Rock'n'Roll Song?


Electric Monk
Jan 24, 2003
Painesville, Ohio
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Do you remember the rock song you first heard that got you on the road to loving the music?

I've always loved music for as far back as I can remember. I can remember being around 4 to 5 dancing to rock'n'roll like the twist (YES it was already years old by then!), but the song that started it for me was Jailhouse Rock, by Elvis Presley.

I was around 11 to 13 listening to a teeny AM radio when it was played. The song just rocked. It was unlike anything I had heard up to that point. From then on I went the hard rock/heavy metal route and am still there (30 years later).

The very first Enchant tune I heard was Paint the Picture. Based on what was being said about Enchant over on the Spock's Beard forum, I decided to buy an Enchant album. So I drove to my favorite record store and picked out J9D10.

As a side note to hijack this thread, the new Iced Earth album The Glorious Burden is friggin' awesom! Tim (Ripper) Owens has awesome pipes. And to show little I knew about him, until I read up on Iced Earth, I didn't know he had replace Rob Halford in Judas Priest. And I also didn't know that he's from just down the road in Akron, Ohio!
Well, this one ought to get a few laughs...! I was an adorable three year old when my then twelve year old brother taught me the words to (and how to sing) Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog...I ran around the house singing it for weeks on end, which no doubt pleased my mother immensely, LOL!!!

My first rock concert was in 1981 - and they are still one of my fave bands today - Crack the Sky! Their next gig here in Bmore is June 25th!! I'm a card-carrying member of the Crack Pack and I make killer brownies for all of their gigs!!

My first Enchant tune ever was The Thirst...Dave slid Blueprint into the changer in the car that day...THANKS DAVE!!!!! :)

So, to hijack this thread again, who all is going to ProgPower?? We will be there for the whole shebang this year!

mgirishfan said:
My first rock concert was in 1981 - and they are still one of my fave bands today - Crack the Sky! Their next gig here in Bmore is June 25th!! I'm a card-carrying member of the Crack Pack and I make killer brownies for all of their gigs!!

Wow, Crack the Sky!

A friend of mine let me listen to an album of theirs, a cd I think. That was several years back. Even then they were an obscure, and I think then defunct band. Strange to hear someone else mention them.

My first concert was REO Speedwagon. They opened up with Tough Guys.. a good show.
One of my first musical memories was singing along to Another Brick In The Wall at age four or five...even though I was never too disruptive in school, the message of the song is something that naturally appeals to children of all ages and it must have helped teach me to question authority at an early age...
I was a bit of a late bloomer...I listened to music on the radio and (naturally) wasn't impressed enough by music to really dig into it. And then my dad gave me Live's Throwing Copper. The song Iris was the first rock song that really, really enthralled me with music in general.
I HATE owens! He PALES in comparison to Bartelow! (old singer), at least in my opinion.

That being said, the song that turned me onto the heavy stuff was "Wang Dang Sweet Poontang" by Ted Nugent...hahha i heard my dad playing it and said "HAHAHAHAHHAHAH WOW! THATS THE BEST SONG EVER!" then i listened to the rest of the LP (cat scratch fever!) and was HOOKED.

Still is the best song ever.

First enchant song I heard was "Sinking Sand". Yup me = newb. But its a KICKASS song. Second only to Monday in my Enchant book. :D
First rock song to take my breath away was the Stones' Ruby Tuesday. It had a strong distinctive atmosphere to it, that was unlike anything else on the radio at that time. I was in about third grade...and I still remember the moment I heard it...and I still sort of experience the same feeling when I hear it today.

First musical performance that blew me away and opened my eyes to a different reality was when I was about 13. The same wonderfully progressive aunt who took me to see the Tubes later, took me, not once, but twice to see the "Rock Musical" Hair. Hearing that rock music played live was so electrifying and got me totally hooked on hearing live music. It also got me to really pay attention to lyrics. (Especially the song "Sodomy" which led me to the dictionary, and to learning some very interesting new words...:dopey:... "father, why do these words sound so nasty?!")

Anywaaay....it's dangerous to let the old folk reminisce!:loco:

viadragon...stuck in the waaayback machine...
Frank said:
Wow, Crack the Sky!

A friend of mine let me listen to an album of theirs, a cd I think. That was several years back. Even then they were an obscure, and I think then defunct band. Strange to hear someone else mention them.

My first concert was REO Speedwagon. They opened up with Tough Guys.. a good show.
Yeppers, boys and girls, Crack the Sky is still alive and well and making music! I frequently wear my beloved black CTS t-shirt with the recognizable (in these parts!) Crack the Sky logo and it never fails - someone will come up and say "Is that the REAL Crack the Sky? The guys from Pittsburgh/Ohio/West Virginia?" (depending on where I am at the time!) I was even in Cleveland in 2001 for a Savatage concert, and after the show we were still inside and I heard this chant of "Crack the Sky! Crack the Sky" coming from the balcony...

"Crack the Sky" and "White Music" are two of my fave CD's ever - Crack Rocks! :)

It was Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond. I was about 10 and heard it from my dad's tape.
The first three songs I really remember enjoying were You Make Lovin Fun, Life in the Fast Lane, and Show me the Way. My parents had a 45 of Squeeze Box and I really remember playing that a lot, but my parents really didnt listen to music, so they were never an influence. In 79 & 80, it was all 45s. It was an interesting collection. Back in Black, Lovin Touchin Squeezin, My Sharona, Head Games mixed in with Funkytown, Heart of Glass, and YMCA. The first two full length albums I got were Paradise Theater, and ironically, Exit Stage Left. I remember begging my Mom to buy that one for me because it was a double album, and a lot of money back them. First cassette -- Synchronicity, First CD -- Captured, First music VHS - 9012Live, First music DVD - Yes Live in Philly 1979


NP: IQ clips for Dark Matter
First serious rock memory that set me seriously on the music path:

A little kid in grade school, here I am in the lunch room with everyone else brown bagging their grub, and I had one of those huge SLAB tape cassette recorders that must have weighed a pound or two (all you youngins have NO clue what I'm talking about but the older folks do...) - here I am this little kid, jamming to ACDC's Let There Be Rock :hotjump: - quite a thrashing song actually, for grade school. Best things is, we had this ancient stereo at home and and I had taped it from my brother's 8-Track (!!!!!!!!!) by holding the running recorder up to the speaker and being really really quiet while I did. o_O

Man..... talk about the old LOW-TECH days..... :ill:

Kills me thinking about that now. :tickled:
klondorwarrior said:
I HATE owens! He PALES in comparison to Bartelow! (old singer), at least in my opinion.

Well, I had barely heard of Iced Earth (through the Evergrey tour info) when I heard The Dark Saga on Musicmatch Radio. I immediately liked it and decided to go get one of their albums. I bought the newest one, TGB, with no clue that a brand new lead singer was in the band.

Actually.....I stopped following Judas Priest around Turbo, maybe prior to that.. but Turbo was like a "here's your last chance" deal with me. Turbo is a far cry from Sad Wings of Destiny. Anyway.. I had no idea that Tim Owens was the guy that replaced Rob Halford until I started reading some Iced Earth interviews.

Needless to say, I'm looking forward to buy the older Iced Earth stuff.

But let me tell ya... Tim Owens has a metal voice for sure.

The bullfrog tune was recorded in 1970 when I was 4 on tape by my parents. I was lead vocals, SCREAMING and unstoppable. Those hooks are crazy man. The fact that I was naked and running around the house...well thank god video cams were too expensive at the time...

Flash forward...first prog album--2112. But the first rock tune heard and digested and sucked me into this whole thing, truly, no lookin' back...

REO baby, Roll with the Changes.

A musician friend of mine once told me how much he loathed Rush and if anyone brought a keyboard to an audition they were immediately tossed out of the running for his band. He then confessed, "When Spirit of Radio comes on my car radio I always crank it to 10."

If you hate REO Speedwagon, you're just lying to yourself...

Cheers guys
ProgMetalFan said:
Can someone please give me information on Crack the Sky?
Hey there PMF, what do you want to know? Anything and everything about the band can be obtained from their site www.crackthesky.com, but even more info is on my friend Dan's site - www.cracktheskyarchives.com . They have been around for 30 years and are still going strong. Killer tunes, intelligent song writing, stellar musicianship, and a flair for the playful are hallmarks of their style. Prog rock, to be sure!

White music in the streets!!!


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