To all the Enchant fans… 

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How did you discover Enchant ?

Personnally, I remember being in my favorite record store, 4 years ago hearing Ted singing on "Break" and I was like :
" Who the hell is singing like that ? "
And the guy from the record store said : Hey Dude, I know you like progressive stuff, I think you're gonna love this band"
I started listenning to the 30 first seconds from "Break", "King" & "My Enemy" and I was like : "All right, I'll take it home, definitely !!!"

I came back home listenning to "Break" all night long again & again… the day after, I came back to record store to buy "A Blueprint Of The World", "Wounded" and "Time Lost"…_and took my ticket for a wonderful Enchant / Spock's Beard in a little club (which has closed since :-( ) !

Hey Doug & Ted do you remember that show ? ;-)
Personnally I remember myself headbanging with Benignus, in front of Ryo Okumoto's keyboards :-D…_

Ze Dan


It was the summer of 93, maybe it was 94 (I could have sworn it is 93, but it says BOTW was released in 94, but I thought on Dream Circle records it was released in 93).
This a bit Stephen King like with the details, but it is my story, and I feel like f---ing off at work this Friday

I went to see Marillion at Hammerjacks in Bmore in 92, and this one guy, Chris Lamka, gave me his business card for Of Sound Mind. I glanced over it quickly thinking it was some drug paraphernalia store, so I dismissed it. I looked over it closer sometime later on and discovered it was a store that specialized in prog and electronic music. Needlessly to say, that was a great summer discovering bands like Echolyn, IQ, Jadis, Everon, 12th Night, Pendragon, and others. He would have some bands play in his store occasionally, so the day before I had to go back to college, Iluvatar played. It was great that I finally got to hear Iluvatar for the first time. While the band was setting up, Chris starting playing a CD that just wowed me with their authentic sound. Nice edge to it too, and the singer sounded a bit like Steve Walsh, so I estatically asked Chris whats the name of this awesome song and the band. "Enchant and the song is Oasis". I immediately purchased the CD, and the next day drove down to college with my girlfriend listening to just BOTW, totally stoked (sorry for the surfer jargon, but I am going surfing tomorrow, so hey). Its a five hour drive, so I guess I listened to the whole CD about 4 times. It was amazing that she actually liked it, too. So thats my Enchant tale.

Four hours to happy hour and 32oz Guinnesses,

Sidenote: I thought that any chick that loves Enchant, was a marrying type. She broke up with me right before Wounded was released, so that Nail in the Heart on the cover had special meaning to me. The kid on the curb in the movie 'Say Anything' said it best...."Bitches, man". I hope you guys have a 'Happy' cover on the next CD just in cause I do get married.

About 1 1/2 years ago, I had a list of a bunch of bands that I wanted to check out but instead of blowing $100 bucks- I asked a fiend to go on Napster and see what he could find. I'm not into "stealing" music but I have blown $18.00 on a CD and liked 1 friggin song too many times...

Anyway- my friend handed me a CD with a whack of songs on it from 5-6 bands, Enchant being one of them. I won't bad-mouth the other bands that I had to wade through...then my first Enchant song..."Blind Sided"...Holy Crap! what a cool up was "Broken Wave"...followed by "At Death's Door." It sounds corny but I say it like this: if I had any talent to make music (which I don't)- and could express myself with an instrument-- what would come out of me would sound a little like me it's the highest compliment I can muster.

I can count on one hand the number of times music has resonated so intensely with me. I went to and ordered every disc they had in stock. Been hooked ever since- can't wait to hear the new stuff...

Len Roberto

Oh, I think the first time I'd heard of Enchant was around the time I'd first started getting into Marillion in 1994. It's >impossible< to hear about new prog music in Southern Idaho since everyone here listens to country or mainstream so I was a member of the Dream Theater mailing list in college.

I remember looking for Enchant pretty hard in college, but it was impossible, at the time, to find it. This was back when I used Pine or whatever for emailing and the GUI for net-navigation involved jumping around a Unix-based guidance system hopping around gophers. :)

So, it was about a year later when I got a new job (and internet access again! yay!) when the name Enchant popped up again on the DT list. I was able to special order them from the local music store by now and ordered Blueprint along with Lemur Voice's Insights. To be honest, I was expecting alot less from Blueprint than I got, making Enchant one of my favorite bands very quickly. :D When I was expecting Lemur Voice to be cranking through my stereo, it ended up being Enchant. :)

So, Wounded comes out the same day that I'm going to SLC to see Rush, so it was a double-whammy getting so see Rush and drive home listening to some new Enchant. It was also my friend's first real experience with Enchant, too. First, when I popped them into the CD player he was very "Ugh, can't we listen to something else?" Then, after a minute when I offered to turn it down, he was like, "Naw, that's OK." :) He's my neighbor now, and usually at least once per week, I'll hear him playing drums while cranking Blind Sided. :D

Enchant took a long time to grow on me at first. I bought a copy of "Wounded" on approval , and taped it to try to get into it whilst driving to work every day. After about a week I sent the cd back ( can you believe it ?!) thinking it was too metallic for my tastes . The tape stayed in my car and was played now and then until after about a year when the penny suddenly dropped. All of a sudden I could hear the full spectrum and beauty of Enchant's music. Needless to say I now have all their albums on cd with "Break" and "Juggling" being my most loved. Looking forward to getting "Blink" which should arrive here in the UK next week

Steve, Sussex , UK

Well, right from the start, we were hooked on ENCHANT. Together with my friends, we would absorbe every little musical detail, above all giving most appreciation to Ted's voice. I will always carry in me, the memories of days long gone-by, when one of my best friend died and we would waste away the turmoil with many a bottle, crying to 'At Death's Door', or feeling totally misplaced and finding strength in 'East of Eden', or (still) pouring gallons of tears to 'Pure' that is like a purifying well when I think of my late mother.

Deepest respect and great thanx to all the guys (also Paul and Mike) for the music!

La primera vez que oi a Enchant fue en el tributo a Genesis Suppers Ready de magnacarta, al oir Man of our Times realmente alucine lo que mas me llamo la atencion fue la voz de Ted. Lo siguiente que hice fue comprar el Blueprint. Todo esto el 99. Un amigo que viajo a Alemania (Germany) me trajo de regalo el Juggling...

getting the Rush tribute cd from Magna Carta in 1996 and the catalogue insert with Enchant in there I had to order Blueprint. The cd honestly i played 3 or 4 times from 1996 to 1998, but then 1 day I picked up the Yes tribue album and heard their version of Changes, and I decided to bring Blueprint into Bestbuy that day to play for customers. Reading Enchant opened for Dream Theater I had to give them another listen..still didn't hit me like it would eventually, but i within a year would get a diff job where I would do data entry all day. I decided to give it another chance even after already ordering Wouded thinking I would like it better. But in the spring of 2000 Blueprint hit me as being amazing. I dubbed it to a mini disc and for atyleast 2 weeks straight i had it on nearly everyday. Later at NEARFEST I would pickup TimeLost and Break and I was hooked. James Bickers article in Sea Of Tranquility, hearing about the new cd Juggling 9 or Dropping coiming out I was excited. I later that fall ordered Xen and the Genesis tribute cd. Haven't stopped listening to them ever since. I also recall seeing a "similar artists" to Enchant with my now current favorite band "Soundscape" a way some reviewer online who knew both bands turned me onto my fav band, even though I had bought Soundscape yrs earlier as well and not gotten into it. Moral: atleast for me, don't give up on bands and discs...your tastes may change someday as a listenor..and some cds require multiple listens..oh how I didn't realize that back in 1996.

I don`t know when it was, but a couple of years ago I went into my local record store. (It`s called WOM and anyone from Germany knows how huge these WOM-stores are.) I was looking for a Marillion CD at that time, and went straight to the Marillion cds. As the staff is pretty clever at WOM (well, at least that is my opinion!), they hadn´t filed Enchant under "E" but under "Marillion". That was probably because of the sticker saying that the Blueprint album was produced by Steven Rothery. I took the cd listened to it at the record store. As I was very much into Ebows at that time I was totally blown away by the Opener of Botw and immediately bought it!
Shortly after that Enchant came over to Hamburg in order to play a few concerts. One of these concerts took place in Hamburg (together with Jadis). I will never forget this brilliant concert and I hope that in about 20 years time I will have a shelf full of Enchant cds, DVDs, videos, etc. which I can recommend to my children in order to prevent them from listening to the Britney Spears Best of...compilation :

"Greatest Hits Part 1- The first 25 years of my carreer!"



my first enchant experience was back in spring of 1996 when i made a blind purchase through magna carta records along with magellan and cairo, blueprint of the world was the first cd i had opened, the intro to the thirst had caught my attention before i could even sit down, after the brief intro was over, almost as if on cue, a nice long cool breeze came in through my bedroom window and it was only then that i realized i had struck a major gold mine once i heard the main keyboard line to the thirst, from the start of the disc to the end, i could not stop to think that life is good ! since then ABOTW has and continues to hold a special place in my heart, everything else is history as they say, i'll never ever forget this experience !

A friend of mine mentioned that he had purchased a cd from a local band called Enchant entitled "Blueprint of the World". Knowing I was big on Marillion and Kansas, he suggested I pick it up. He mentioned that the singer sounded a great deal like Steve Walsh, and that the cd was melodic in the Marillion vein, with several tracks being produced by Steve Rothery. Taking his word for it, I purchased a copy of the cd (I think it was December of 1993.....getting old :) ) of the Dream Circle version. Within a few minutes, I knew I was hooked! I've listened to that cd at least 300 times!

I was fortunate enough to catch them live several times on Blueprint and Wounded. I hope they tour locally for "Blink"

As a Marillion fan I'd heard the name a few times...Blueprint got reviewed in The Web (the Marillion fan club mag) and they supported Marillion on the Radiation tour, although those of us in the UK never got the chance to see them :(
Eventually I found a promo copy of Break and thought it was a wonderful album and so here I am :) was this year.
There is an internet radio show on, called PapaJ´s Matinee. He plays some great prog tunes, and among these was one song from "Juggling...", I guess "Colors Fade", but not sure.
He played that every week, and finally, I bought the album. And well, I love the music.
