OT: Stephen Colbert bludgeons the Bush administration...

J the TyranT

Thats just how it is...
Dec 14, 2001
Stephen Colbert was actually invited to a White House Press Correspondents Dinner last night... LIVE on C-SPAN... what ensued was the most vicious verbal beatdown I've ever seen in my entire life. It looked like a Friar's Club Roast it was so ruthless... everyone from Scalia to Cheney to Bush himself, of course... pure Conservative destruction.

It rocked... watch it with supreme disbelief. Parts 1 and 2 below.


Completely real. He got invited to the dinner, and used every opportunity to go fucking apeshit.

Colbert is the man! I actually watched this yesterday, and couldn't believe what he was saying. Even though this was basically a roast, he touched on some pretty sensitive stuff there!
Colbert, and the man who's show he got his start on, Jon Stewart, are the two sharpest and smartest guys in American politics.

yes, comedians. pure genius on back-to-back shows, 5 nights a week. those two guys + Southpark = the only reasons i have cable TV.
James Murphy said:
Colbert, and the man who's show he got his start on, Jon Stewart, are the two sharpest and smartest guys in American politics.

yes, comedians. pure genius on back-to-back shows, 5 nights a week. those two guys + Southpark = the only reasons i have cable TV.
i applaud him vigorously. definitely getting my vote in 2008.
"enjoy that metaphor by the way.. because there is no way your kids will know what a glacier is"... :lol:

balls of steel is right..
James Murphy said:
Colbert, and the man who's show he got his start on, Jon Stewart, are the two sharpest and smartest guys in American politics.

yes, comedians. pure genius on back-to-back shows, 5 nights a week. those two guys + Southpark = the only reasons i have cable TV.

+1 on the South Park.