OT: Steven Tyler Resents Downloading Music


Metal Madman
Feb 15, 2002
Northern Michigan
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According to the Postchronicle.com, Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler is resentful towards all of the internet downloading that's been occuring because the music and albums, or back catalogue, that he possesses ownership of has become utterly worthless, according to a published report.
The singer claims that he, as well as his peers, suffer for every time one of their fans download their their music, because they don't recieve anything for it. He comments: "There was a time when our catalogue was worth $24 million and now it's worth, like, 12 cents. Why? Because anybody can download it on the internet."

ThraxMan said:
According to the Postchronicle.com, Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler is resentful towards all of the internet downloading that's been occuring because the music and albums, or back catalogue, that he possesses ownership of has become utterly worthless, according to a published report.
The singer claims that he, as well as his peers, suffer for every time one of their fans download their their music, because they don't recieve anything for it. He comments: "There was a time when our catalogue was worth $24 million and now it's worth, like, 12 cents. Why? Because anybody can download it on the internet."


Lets be honest here - he's right. Regardless of how much money they have made previously at the end of the day downloading artists work is illegal and robs them (more likely their management) of the money they are entitled too.

There was a time when I would just DL anything and everything. Nowadays I use it rather to just see if I like something - if I do, I go out and buy the CD. If I don't, I delete it.

Having said that the artists and labels have to realise that this is here to stay so rather than combat it why not join the club. I am sure there is some middle ground to be found. I mean personally I wouldn't go and buy a bands new album online (as I love the fact I have a CD package with artwork, etc sitting on my shelf) but surely the labels must wise up to this?

Its a tough one really.
most of the people who download music r posers off the band anyway..i mean if they werent they would want to go out and buy their cds instead of stealing their hard earned money
aliasp said:
Lets be honest here - he's right. Regardless of how much money they have made previously at the end of the day downloading artists work is illegal and robs them (more likely their management) of the money they are entitled too.

There was a time when I would just DL anything and everything. Nowadays I use it rather to just see if I like something - if I do, I go out and buy the CD. If I don't, I delete it.

Having said that the artists and labels have to realise that this is here to stay so rather than combat it why not join the club. I am sure there is some middle ground to be found. I mean personally I wouldn't go and buy a bands new album online (as I love the fact I have a CD package with artwork, etc sitting on my shelf) but surely the labels must wise up to this?

Its a tough one really.
I have to agree on that. When I d'loaded Motorhead "Inferno", I realized that I felt kinda bad, like I stole from a friend (it was about a year os so ago). Since then I just d'load bootlegs or some rare shit. I mean, I don't blame those who still do that, hey, it might be pretty tough for, let's say, a college kid to buy music, he likes, and afford chicks, drugs, or booze at same time. So I leave it to every individual's discretion. S. Tyler should shut his mouth though and stop fucking underage girls.
I have to agree on that. When I d'loaded Motorhead "Inferno", I realized that I felt kinda bad, like I stole from a friend (it was about a year os so ago). Since then I just d'load bootlegs or some rare shit. I mean, I don't blame those who still do that, hey, it might be pretty tough for, let's say, a college kid to buy music, he likes, and afford chicks, drugs, or booze at same time. So I leave it to every individual's discretion. S. Tyler should shut his mouth though and stop fucking underage girls.

That last line killed me... how do u shut a mouth that big though?

Anyway like you said I love the fact I can DL really rare stuff or bootlegs which is great but I just feel bad when I cheat a band (especially one I consider myself a fan of) of their monetary rights by not going to buy their CDs.
aliasp said:
That last line killed me... how do u shut a mouth that big though?

Anyway like you said I love the fact I can DL really rare stuff or bootlegs which is great but I just feel bad when I cheat a band (especially one I consider myself a fan of) of their monetary rights by not going to buy their CDs.
exactly. I dont mind downloading a song or two to sample the music. If its good I'll go buy the album. The problem is most people don't think like we do and could give a rats ass about the artists making any money. It's all about "me" more so then it ever was. If a band like Anthrax or Aerosmith is having trouble imagine how difficult it is for those of us who are in new bands. I think in the future most artists will make most of there money on touring and live performances. Sad but true.
Whiplash402 said:
most of the people who download music r posers off the band anyway..i mean if they werent they would want to go out and buy their cds instead of stealing their hard earned money

True, if it's a band I really like, I always buy the CD first.
Thrillho said:
True, if it's a band I really like, I always buy the CD first.
I'll buy anything a band I like puts out. But I hate when a band puts out a new CD, all the real fans buy it, and then a few months later they re-release it with a DVD or two bonus tracks (that were left off the album for a good reason) and then let the real fans buy it again. I will download stuff by newer bands to check them out.
I don't download a fucking thing. Nothing beats the dynamic range of CD. Oh, wait, nobody gives a fuck, because they just listen to crappy mp3s on their fucking Ipods.

What a fucking waste.
Drokk said:
I don't download a fucking thing. Nothing beats the dynamic range of CD. Oh, wait, nobody gives a fuck, because they just listen to crappy mp3s on their fucking Ipods.

What a fucking waste.

I-pod ... sheez ... come on man. I go for the real deal. I have built a portable record player that sits on my shoulder ... I just gotta walk really slowly and smoothly so the needle doesn't jump.
Nothing beats the dynamic range of CD.

I think 8 tracks are gonna come back, nothing beats the dynamic range of an Ocho track !

By the way Aerosmith sucks.They haven't released a good album since they got back together. It's like 2 different bands. One rocks like a heavy blues and boogie band. The other plays top 40 bullshit for the MTV crowd who doesn't even exist anymore. If Steve and the boys didn't shove all the money they made the first time around in their arms and up their noses, maybe they wouldn't have to worry about their back catalog sales.
Aerosmith do suck. Bands who get sober always suck after they clean up. The reason they were creative and good is because they were wasted. Same goes the other way, a good band who don't get fucked up will suck if they start doing blow and all that. Imagine if Hendrix hadn't died and got all clean in the 80's? He'd be making some fucking horrible music now.

It's the Gibba theory of creativity. A patented formula don'tcha know!
Gibba said:
Aerosmith do suck. Bands who get sober always suck after they clean up. The reason they were creative and good is because they were wasted. Same goes the other way, a good band who don't get fucked up will suck if they start doing blow and all that. Imagine if Hendrix hadn't died and got all clean in the 80's? He'd be making some fucking horrible music now.

It's the Gibba theory of creativity. A patented formula don'tcha know!
Can't imagine Hendrix making crap. But I can't imagine him getting clean either...
Can't imagine Hendrix making crap. But I can't imagine him getting clean either...

Sadly it's a formula that works for all. If he was alive today he would be doing cheesy ballads and Paul McCartney style novelty songs.
Bands who get sober always suck after they clean up

I think SRV made great music after he was clean. Most people who have addiction problems usually have a reason why they were all fucked up and angry. when you get clean you realize all that anger is wasted energy. doesn't work well to be a a happy go lucky metal dude.
My philosophy has always been this. Download the stuff, if I like it then head down and immediately buy the cds. Then wipe them off the computer. If I don't like it, delete them and move on.

I really can't stand people who just download music and refuse to buy the cds. As of now, I am downloading some of the songs on the up and coming Queensryche album and I must say. Come on April 4th.