OT: Testament - The Ritual

Imo Testament's best album is The Legacy. :headbang: I'm not the biggest fan of The Ritual. It's not among Testament's best releases for me.
It's probably the worst Testament album!

Alex and Louie spoiled it IMO: Alex wasn't wanting to play much metal at that point so he played over tuneful solos and Louie refused to actually use his bass pedal!

There are some cracking songs on there but it's not nearly as good as Low.
I like their first 2 releases A LOT. But nothing really grabbed me afterwards. Sure it was all grade B- to B+ thrash, and I don't mean that as an insult in any way. It just wasn't up to the greatness of the first 2 albums. The only real CD I really got psyched up over afterwards was The Gathering.
Call me crazy, but that is hands down my favorite Testament album. Its got a freaking all-star line-up and Chuck Billy sounds absolutely possessed. Those vox just rip your face off!!! Though if you liked the early stuff with Alex the albums Low, Demonic, and The Gathering can be really surprising.
Practice What You Preach will always be the one for me.

DiscipleOfThePit said:
It's probably the worst Testament album!

Alex and Louie spoiled it IMO: Alex wasn't wanting to play much metal at that point so he played over tuneful solos and Louie refused to actually use his bass pedal!

There are some cracking songs on there but it's not nearly as good as Low.

This pretty much sums up my thoughts for me. Oddly enough, I'm listening to it right now. I think this is my 5th listen to it in a year. I've tried to get into it, but it really isn't catching me at all. I few great tracks, like "Electric Crown" and "Let Go of My World", bu not much else for me.
MyHatred: You liked Demonic but not The Gathering? I'm quite shocked because The Gathering seems like just the kind of album you'd like if you dug Demonic. Ah, me, doomed forever to support The Gathering as the best Testament album.
Well, if thats being doomed I don't want to be saved!
Naww, I didn't say I hated it but it's just as not as high up on list. It is hard to compete with "The Burning Times". That is probably my favorite Testament song. I haven't listened to The Gathering album in forever so I will give it a spin this weekend while drinking some beers and see if it was just a certain time period I was having that made me not like it as much.There are always a couple of albums that you totally neglect and pop in your cd player on a whim only to realize that you were being a dumbass for not realizing that the album ruled all along. If thats makes any sense.

I was just on Amazon and they had this dvd on their site. I had no idea this was coming out. Seeing that I am a music dvd junky it looks like I will be adding it to my collection. I know it is a reunion of sort but I just wish they played some of their "newer stuff" on it. Oh well I am sure it will still be good.
MyHatred said:
There are always a couple of albums that you totally neglect and pop in your cd player on a whim only to realize that you were being a dumbass for not realizing that the album ruled all along. If thats makes any sense.

It makes TOTAL sense.
I have all of the Testament releases.
I bought "The Gathering" as soon as it came out, but I really never got into it. It just got lost in the shuffle when I bought several CDs. It didn't grab me right off so away it went.

Then, the other day, I heard a song called "Down for Life" by Testament on my satellite radio. I thought the song was totally kick ass!
I immediately went home and looked it up to find out that it was on "The Gathering".
I pulled that CD out and now I can get enough of it.
It's just like a brand new CD for me.
I love "The Ritual". It's probably my second favourite, right behind "The Gathering". I just loved Lombardo's drumming on that one.

I haven't, however, heard their first two in a long, long time. I haven't been able to find them in any store around here, unfortunately. As soon as I do spot them, they'll be in my collection.
MyHatred said:
Well, the thread has pretty much shifted to everyones favorite Testament cd:loco: . So which Testament cd are you talking about Spacebeer?

The Ritual, but I also don;t like "sould of black" too much, too melodic and poppy. I prefer "The Lagacy", "new world order", ""low" or "the gathering"
I talked to Eric Peterson once and asked him about The Ritual. He laughed and said his girlfriend liked the album, which spoke for itself.