Anthrax Live The Island Years Re-Issue

Ok I work for ScAMS CLUB. I drive a forklift there. Used to be a manager but I stepped down after the divorce so I could have time with my son. Also my family owns a small grocery chain that not only competes w/ a Super Wal-Mart in every location, but consistenly whips there ass too. I'm not for Wally world nor am I against it but it seems a lot of ppl let the media decide their views for them on this subject. I know of no Wal marts that make ppl work off the clock, offer no benefits and pay next to nothing. I used to fire ppl for working off the clock - you'd be surprised how many ppl came in on there off day just to kiss a little ass and try and get ahead. I wrote ppl up for not taking there meal periods b/c it's a fucking state law that you do so. The info that the media works off of is true, just close to 20 years old. The company didn't used to keep tight riegns over all stores until several district managers decided the best way to make money and line there pockets was to eliminate benefits and lower wages. That was the 1980's when everyone andthere mother could get away with any shady business practice. Now as for ppl who come forward now and say it..think about how big a target your company would be if you were #1. PPL want money for nothing. End of story. It happens in every coompany. Now, will they be #1 for much longer? Probably not. You can only be so big for so long and then you fall. Happened to SEARS'll happen to Wal'll happen to Microsoft. Target and SONY will be the leaders in both of those fields within another 15 years.

The bigger they are the harder they fall.
Anthrax_Mosher said:
Are there really going to be remasters of anthrax cds. i dont think it would be good cause i dont wanna buy their entire catalog all over again. i had enough trouble rounding up the bucks to buy the first ones !!

Hmmm, you could always, you know, not buy them. I didn't buy the 2 shitty Megadeth remasters (Risk & MD.45).
sufferer said:
Yeah, I must admit I work for Sam's Club but I hate the company. They truly are everything that people hate about them. They pay me $17 bucks an hour though and I really don't work that hard, just a lot of responsibility as a team leader. I don't work there out of choice, just lack of options. Management doesn't yell at me cause they know I'm psycho and I'll go off at any minute, and they don't want me in management cause they also know I'm psycho and I'll go off. So I'm just a happy team leader, so when the people under me suck, I just go off. Cause I'm psycho. And they know it. So they leave me alone. I can handle that. Hey, here in Florida, I always say, "It's better than construction". I'll be damned if I do roofing in 100+ degrees, my friends do that, no fucking way. Fuck Wal-Mart, but all of us know that's where we'll always go to find shit. I'll never get laid off ever.

They expect a fucking team lead to basically do what a manager does at any other company. I hated it when I was a team lead..but loved it when I became a manager..heheheheheh. But gettin' paid $17.50 an hour just to drop t.v.s for ppl w/ more money than common sense isn't really a bad job either.:Smug:
The Megadeth remasters are kick ass. i got peace sells, and rust in peace so far. i got some coming in the mail pretty good ones, my fav so far is peace sells, but whos buying. whats the best one you have so far ?
powerwolve said:
i prefer the original sound on vinyl! thats realy kicks ass
to listen to the mechanix and peace sells on the raw version

I wish I had the vinyl. I don't like a lot of the changes on the remasters. The KIMBABIG does kick a lot of ass. It's one of my favorites CDs of any band. RATTLE YOUR GODDAMN HEAD
DoctorAcula said:
the super wal-mart WILL destroy any and all supermarkets in a small town.....i've seen it happen

I'll tell my father, brother, and sis in law that..

Quality Foods est. 1982 and kicking the ass of 7 super Wal Marts as we speak.

Never underestimate the power of the family owned irish grocery chain.:Spin:

And the Best current Deth remaster besides KIMB is Countdown to Extinction.